[Editor’s Note: This article was published online on Aug. 23, 2005.]

“… We tried before them Pharaoh’s people and a nobel messenger came to them, Saying: ‘Deliver to me the servants of Allah. Surely I am a faithful messenger to you. And exalt not yourselves against Allah. Surely I bring to you a clear authority. And I take refuge with my Lord and your Lord, lest you stone me to death. And if you believe not in me, leave me alone. ‘ “Holy Qur’an 44:17-21

“Those who keep their duty are indeed in a secure place –and He will save them from the chastisement of hell –A grace from thy Lord. This is the great achievement.
-Holy Qur’an 44:51,53,57

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad told the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan in clear terms what his (Minister’s) value was to him and why. He told him that through him he would “get all of his people.” There was nothing more important to him than this.


Why did he have to go through one of his followers to accomplish this aim? Why did not he “get” them himself? This question relates to the fact that his Teacher, Master Fard Muhammad, wanted the Honorable Elijah Muhammad to get to us and later through us to the people of the earth. Why should God have any need for a servant to get to the people of His choice and through them to the rest of humanity?

This is answered in chapter nine of This Is The One. It’s tied to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s words to Minister Farrakhan that through him he will get–not that he might get–but that he will get all of his people. What does Minister Farrakhan’s value to him signify about the value of the people he is getting? How valuable are you, to whom and why? Think.

What was it about us that God Himself would want us? Everything about us made us undesirable to all except Him. Even today in the year 2005 we’re filled with madness. For instance, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said our unity would solve 90% of our problems. We act by that statement as though it’s a lie. We seem to delight in spiritual cannibalism, aka backbiting. We’re intolerable of each other’s shortcomings despite claiming to understand that we’re just emerging from the effects of the most horrible enslavement humans have ever experienced. We love projecting our ignorance onto others.. These alone make it impossible to solve any interpersonal problems. But we are yet on the way becoming the most united and progressive people who ever lived!

The Millions-More-Movement. Minister Farrakhan’s effort, generating this movement, forms a major step in fulfilling his teacher’s words, that through him he would get all of his people. God’s brainpower is the source of the idea of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad that through Minister Farrakhan he would get all of his people. His words being manifested in the irresistible force coming through Minister Farrakhan and spreading through others that–step by step–is uniting us that’s generating The Millions-More-Movement.

I’m continuing the subject of pain’s value in this article, which I’ve not stopped since Volume 24; Number 31 of The Final Call. I’ve borne witness to the words of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, I first read in 1956, that it would take much suffering to resurrect the Black man and woman but that it would be done.

In a discussion with my Big Brother December of last year, he touched a point that reminded me of the circumstances under which I wrote an article (for The Final Call) on the 21st of November 2000. Upon ending a sentence with the word “travail,” I suddenly experienced a heart attack and a stroke–simultaneously. I still vividly recall slowly standing up and thinking to myself “Boy, you are in big trouble now.”

Three days later I was released from the hospital. Two days after that I went back to the article and completed it in a few hours. You see no sign of this if you read it.

That day I also shared with my Minister, Minister Farrakhan, for the first time that six more times over the next three years (2001–3) I was rushed to the emergency wards of different hospitals. Each time I wrote an article that later appeared in The Final Call before they released me. This was outside of my other non-stop efforts to advance the cause, even though on a reduced scale–which yet included corresponding with hundreds of inmates in many jails.

Minister Farrakhan said to me, “Jabril, you should share this with others.” I didn’t respond. I thought about how different people might react to it. To some it would seem self-serving, etc. Well, I’m finally sharing this out of the same spirit that I shared it with Minister Farrakhan this past December.

I do what I do, in relation to him, out of my love for him, for the Two Who back him and for all that he represents. In this respect I am not any different from any of his other followers who knows, understands and loves him and what he represents. We’ll work until death to help him with his assignment, which was first given to him, as a seed from the first day he saw his teacher, on February 26, 1955. It was given to him–along with his training for it–over a period of years by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Let’s look at one.

On three separate occasions between 1969 and 1970, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad spoke, in a certain progression, concerning the value of Minister Farrakhan to himself. On the first occasion he said: “Brother, you are more valuable to me than a truck load of diamonds and gold.”

On the second occasion, he said: “Brother, you are more valuable to me than a thousand airplanes with a thousand head of sheep on every plane.”

On the third occasion, he said to his Minister: “Brother, you are more valuable to me than all of the wealth that is in the earth, because the wealth of the earth I met when I came here and I shall leave it when I’m gone. But through you, I will be able to get all of my people.”

Here was a Black man, on three different occasions, talking to another Black man about his value to himself, in front of a few witnesses. How many of us really take time to think about the value of each other and what make each other valuable to the root of their existence. What is value? What makes a human being valuable to a man who represents the Divine Supreme Being? Well, that’s another subject.

What is the depth of the root of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s words stated three times, when he told Minister Farrakhan of his value to himself? Was this somewhat of an exaggeration, when he contrasted the value of the wealth of the earth to Minister Farrakhan’s value to himself? Was he merely trying to further motivate him? Was this just another way of simply expressing his deep felt love for Minister Farrakhan as only an articulate spokesperson for himself? Or was it much deeper? And, how deep did his words go?

Minister Farrakhan first visited his teacher’s home in 1957. Now a little over ten years had passed and he’s telling him of his value. Did these statements of his Minister’s value to himself come after a careful and deep assessment of everything about Minister Farrakhan? Let’s look real deep into his words “But through you, I will be able to get all of my people.” What do you see in these words?


Muslims should learn the phenomena usually summed up in one word: “Immigration” from the viewpoint of the Latino Community. The Times/Discovery channel is showing the powerful documentary: “Chasing El Norte.”

More next issue, Allah willing.