Previous colmuns by Mother Tynnetta Muhammad

(The following article is reprinted from the Spring/Fall 2005 edition of Mother Tynnetta Muhammad’s Cultural Links news journal, entitled “The Descent of the Mongolian Kings.”)

These delightful photos of the young people in Mongolia who hosted my visit reflect the multi-dimensional characteristics and diversities of the members of Reverend Moon’s Organization of The Unification Church.


In their great hospitality, they prepared a full agenda of activities for my five-day visit, ranging from tours to museums, The National Terelj Park, a visit to a large village of habitable Gers (Nomadic Tents), and parliament house meetings. Mind you, this all was happening in the dead of winter with minus 25 degrees below zero. My agenda also included a visit to the Buddhist Monastery, where this wonderful woman teacher (pictured above) was in charge of teaching young women and girls their responsibilities and service to their communities.

There was never once any expression of conflict over religious views between Christianity, Buddhism, Islam or Shamanism. This closing event marked the end of my winter journey to Mongolia in November 2003.

May universal spiritual consciousness reign, as we enter a new dynamic period in the evolution of man and mankind on our Planet. Peace, happiness and abundance.