[Editor’s Note:  This article is a reprint that was published online on Feb. 4, 2009.]

At the end of my last article, I wrote: “Next article, Allah willing, I intend to share a statement the Honorable Elijah Muhammad made to the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan in 1974. We need to grasp it. It was: Seek refuge in Allah.” He told me of the circumstances, or context, in which he was given these words, from the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, in 1974.

Closing The Gap by Jabril Muhammad Inner Views of the Heart, Mind & Spirit of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan

Mother Tynnetta Muhammad told me that she too was given these same words.  She told me of the particular circumstance, or context, in which she was given these words just before he departed.

I do not say that they did not hear these words from him on other occasions.


In 1964, 44 years ago, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad was speaking in one of his Minister’s Conferences, in Chicago. I was there. He indicated that there was a special election that was prophesied, in the Bible. The way he spoke, he did not know, at that moment, if that was that election. Overtime, I forgot about it. Last year his words came back to me when Barack Obama became the 44th President-elect of this country. Be it the will of Allah, two days from this date (January 18, 2009) he will become the 44th President of the United States.

I’m watching the Student Assistant Minister Ishmael Muhammad make a very insightful and powerful “introductory” speech. I’m using that word, as all that is coming from Mosque Maryam is “introductory” until or when Minister Farrakhan’s Saviours’ Day speech is given. …

Now, in “Closing The Gap,” starting on page 415, we can read Minister Farrakhan’s answer to this:

Brother Jabril: Brother Minister, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad has given us prayers, using the words “seeking refuge in Allah.” The Holy Qur’an speaks of that especially Surah 113 and 114, with which it closes.

What does the concept “seeking refuge” mean?

Minister Farrakhan: A place of refuge is a place where one goes to find complete security from any form of harm or danger. When one has a refuge in Allah God, one is placing oneself in the best most secure place or state of being. So that regardless to what is going on around that person, that person who not only seeks but finds a refuge in God, has found that place of the greatest peace; the greatest security; the greatest sufficiency of all needs, desires or wants.

David the Psalmist—troubled in his life—found a secure place; a refuge in God.

When the Psalmist says, “The Lord is my strength and He is my salvation. Whom then shall I fear? Of whom then shall I be afraid? The Lord is the strength of my life.” And then He talks about, “Hiding me under the shadow of His wings. And I shall not fear the arrow that flies by day or the one that cometh by night for I am shadowed under the wings, the protection of the Almighty.”

Seeking refuge, and of course, finding it—and Jesus said it best, “Seek and ye shall find.” So every true Believer in God will seek Him as their place of refuge. And then seeking they shall find that in Him is the best refuge.

One cannot seek refuge if one does not have faith that in seeking and finding that refuge that that place of refuge is sufficient. So faith is the prerequisite here—I believe in Allah, Who came in the person of Master Fard Muhammad. In Him do I place my trust. And in Him do I seek refuge from the enemies of truth and justice and freedom and equity for our people.

If you believe in Him then you will seek and find in Him that place of refuge. “Farrakhan, why would you believe in this Man as your Source of comfort, peace, security? Why would you place your trust in Him?”

I do so because before I knew a place of trust, I found a man who put his complete trust in Master Fard Muhammad and grew to know Him as his only place of refuge.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said to me, “If ten thousand enemies was standing out in front of my door I would not fear.” And in one speech he said, “I feel so strong that I could go down the street dragging two lions behind me.” Well where was his strength? Where did his strength come from? What sustained him for forty-four years in the midst of the worst opposition and constant threats of death?

He was sustained because he knew his place of refuge. He sought it completely and found it and stayed there. He told me—he said, “If Master Fard Muhammad left me for one fraction of a second you would see a walking fool.” Well that told me that if he could not stand to be away from Master Fard Muhammad for a fraction of a second, that he would be exposed as a foolish man once knowing him as a wise man.”

What am I to do as his student? I seek refuge in Allah, Who came in the person of Master Fard Muhammad. I have found Him and I cling to Him and I pray that He will never ever leave me for in Him I have found my place of refuge.

I pray that every Believer will seek and find Him as your place of refuge and security—that though you walk in the valley of the shadow of death you will fear no evil—for you are with God and God is with you.

More next issue, Allah willing.