By Final Call News

Whatever your spiritual or political persuasion, you could likely agree that these are dark times. Whether the issue is the level of violence, intractable poverty, confusion of leaders, sheer lack of morality and empathy or a type of manic, self-absorption that demands individual satisfaction no matter the cost, these are truly times that try the souls of men and women.

In dark times like these, the thing that is of premium importance and value is good guidance. A basic definition of guidance includes “advice or information aimed at resolving a problem or difficulty, especially as given by someone in authority; leadership, management, supervision, superintendence, charge; handling, conduct, running, overseeing.”

But guidance can only benefit the one who recognizes and follows the direction that is pointed to or the course of conduct that is recommended. It is sometimes difficult for people to follow good guidance because it runs counter to their desires or they don’t trust the one offering the very thing that could improve or perhaps save their lives.


We should, however, be able to ascertain the value of guidance based on a few things, such as the track record of the one who is offering the sage advice. Have they been accurate and true in the past? We should be able to examine their lives and ask has following the same advice that they give others benefitted them? If so, then the proof of the proverbial pudding is in the good health or fortune of the one who ate it. Third, good guidance should have a ring to it, something that resonates in our hearts, minds and souls. It is not just inspirational, but it follows a pattern of logic that appeals to the intellect.

In scripture, we find example after example of those who did not want to follow the best guidance, the guidance that comes from a divine messenger of God. Somehow the people that the guidance is meant to benefit miss the message because they are too taken with the cares of the world. In other instances, the high and the mighty note that the one offering the guidance seems to attract only the least of the people–and they see no reason to follow. Other times the powerful ones revel in their own power so a voice of warning, of reckoning, of guidance means nothing. They are only acquainted with the power that they wield and no other power matters.

In the Bible, the men who came to Lot refuse his guidance in their blind lust for the strangers who visited him and are punished for their actions. When Moses goes to pharaoh, the great ruler sees little reason to follow the advice of a man from among a people he has subjugated. The Holy Qur’an, the book of scripture of the Muslims, states it plainly, they love not good advisors. And scripture often shows us that the ones who should have benefitted from guidance, divine guidance, turned away from it. They often called upon the divine servant to bring on the very chastisement that he was trying to have the people avoid.

“As we near the exhaustion of the Wisdom of this world which has not been able to shed enough light on our path in search for that Supreme Wisdom to keep us from stumbling and falling, we now seek the wisdom of Allah, The Best Knower and Guide in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad (to Whom be praised forever),” wrote the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad in the preface to his monumental book, “Message To The Blackman in America,” published in 1965.

Light in a dark time and wisdom in a world gone mad are what we need and what we should be seeking. Such light is found in the Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and in his National Representative and Servant, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.

His interview in this edition demands study as he not only lays out events likely to unfold in 2017 and beyond but as he also gives insight into reasons why different circumstances and consequences are likely and will come into being.

We implore our readers to take the time to dissect and digest these important words of guidance offered by Min. Farrakhan.

“Many, many Black, Brown and Native people are worried over what may come from a Trump presidency. Some Caucasian people are upset but many more see hope in Donald Trump, who has already broken all of the norms of what presidents say and how they say it, what they do and how they do it. He is a huge question mark in the eyes and minds not only of many inside America but people who rely on America throughout the earth are concerned about what his presidency will bring,” said Min. Farrakhan in the interview.

“We take this approach: Nothing happens but by the permissive or active Will of God. Certainly the American people, 64 million of them, voted for Mrs. Clinton. But Mr. Trump took the presidency and shocked the media, shocked the political pundits and shocked capitals around the world. So what happened is from a power bigger than the powers that usually control. We happened to see it as a possible lull, as the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, predicted before the storm. But his presidency is not going to avoid the storm and therein lies the great problem and question that his administration faces in the upcoming years of his tenure in office,” the Minister added.

If times are to grow darker, and they are, how much more suffering and loss will come to our people? How much more death will it take for us to consider, recognize and act on the truth? We need good guidance, shouldn’t we at least consider wisdom that our oppressor does not supply or approve of?