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CHICAGO—America is in the clutches of the Wrath of Allah (God) and destined to be destroyed for not heeding the 90-year warning heralded by the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.

That declaration came from Student Minister Ishmael Muhammad, National Assistant to Minister Farrakhan, speaking to an overflow crowd on October 13 at Mosque Maryam, the Nation of Islam’s headquarters.

Instead, over the years her wickedness has increased and her opposition to the men of God in her midst has persisted, he said.

“America has not repented for her evils … and refuses to turn from their wicked ways. The country and the people are now under the wrath of God, and it’s going to get worse,”


Student Min. Ishmael Muhammad said in a message viewed throughout the world via internet. “This world doesn’t know the way of peace. Violence and bloodshed is the order of the day,” he continued.

The occasion of Student Min. Ishmael Muhammad’s keynote message was in observance of the 29th Anniversary of the historic Million Man March held on October 16, 1995, a day declared as the Holy Day of Atonement.

Words spoken by Student Min. Ishmael and the title of the message were given to him directly from Minister Farrakhan. The day’s theme was “Atonement and Repentance: Who of the Presidential Candidates Can Save the Lives of the People of America from the Wrath of God?”

Minister Farrakhan has been ordered by his teacher, the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, to “be quiet” and not speak publicly while words he was given to say in his consequential Saviours’ Day 2024 message in Detroit in February play out before the world regarding the bloodshed in Israel, Student Min. Ishmael Muhammad explained.

Since February, the genocide in Israel has increased, secrets and motivations for war held by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu—foretold by Minister Farrakhan in February—have been publicly verified, and armies gather in the Middle East as war looms.

Student Southern Regional M.G.T. Captain
Dr. Nuysabah Muhammad

Student Min. Ishmael, quoting from notes and guidance given by Minister Farrakhan, compared America to Nineveh and Babylon, two Biblical cities threatened with destruction by God. One was spared, the other destroyed due to their response to a message of atonement from their prophets.

“America is a modern Babylon. She is unraveling,” Student Min. Ishmael Muhammad told the audience. “Why are you falling, America? Because you have become a habitation of devils, a hold for every foul person and a cage for every hateful bird,” he said, referring to scripture.

Donald Trump was the last president that Minister Farrakhan cautioned to repent, telling him he needed to make America safe from the chastisement of God. During that message, the Minister continued his warning to America to “watch the weather.”

There is going to be extreme weather, and the enemy is going to tell you it is climate change, Student Min. Ishmael Muhammad suggested. But God is in control today, he added.

“We are at the end of the time of the wicked to rule. The end of Satan and his world,” he said. “Let’s start with atonement since that’s what the wicked rejected.”

Greatest day in history

The Million Man March was “the greatest demonstration of love and unity the world has ever seen in history,” Student Min. Ishmael said. The call was for one million men, but two million showed up. Minister Farrakhan’s call was on the principle of atonement, but some mocked it and dismissed the call to atone, he said.

N.O.I. General Counsel and Student Minister
Abdul Arif Muhammad

But God knows where to place His message. God chose [Farrakhan], why? Because of the purity of his heart, Min. Ishmael said. The atonement theme for the Million Man March came from the late Rev. James Bevel. Minister Farrakhan accepted it because it signals the human family coming back to their nature, Student Min. Ishmael explained.

“We have to be in accord with our nature,” he stated, “and that’s where the guidance of God would come. God intends for humans to be successful and manifest the gift He has given to every human being and every creature.

“Imbalance is produced by our rebellion to God. We as a people are so imbalanced because we were deprived of the essentials of life itself,” he said of Black descendants of slaves.

Student Eastern Regional
Minister Arthur Muhammad

“The enemy took away our names, our language, our culture, our way of worship of the Creator. That creates an imbalance,” he added.

Atonement closes the gap, closes the gulf that exists between man and God and brings the human being in harmony with the Creator, he said. Giving the example of Jesus on the cross.

Student Min. Ishmael Muhammad explained there is a horizontal and vertical aspect of human nature. Man’s desire is to overcome the appetite and desires of the flesh.

“Why is the flesh weak,” he asked? “Because you live in a materialistic world. Everything in Satan’s world is a carnal mind—feed, eat, drink, sex, money.

“But Jesus comes. He pays the price to end the horizontal nature of the enemy of God, Satan himself. He’s willing to pay the price to expose Satan, reveal the man of sin.

“The Messiah introduces atonement—but there’s a problem. We don’t want to submit,” he said.

The persecution of Minister Farrakhan

The victories of the prophets were accomplished by winning the hearts of the people to God, Student Min. Ishmael said. Yet, they were vehemently opposed and maligned by wicked rulers. Similarly, wicked forces plotted to derail the Million Man March, Minister Farrakhan was vilified and his image tarnished in the media.

“No man’s visage was more marred than the man of God. No Black or White leader’s image has been more marred than the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan,” he said. “Why does the enemy hate them so much?” he asked.

The enemy has aimed to destroy any strong Black man or woman who stands to liberate their people, he continued. Moses didn’t come to integrate the Children of Israel with the Egyptians.

Student Minister Daniel Muhammad 

Moses and Jesus didn’t ask the people to vote, he said. The prophets did not come to make their people part of the society that destroyed them; they came to separate the people, he said.

What was Jesus’ crime, Student Min. Ishmael asked? Who were his enemies? The rabbis, high priests, the Pharisees, the Sanhedrin. They called for Jesus’ death, he said.

“Who are Farrakhan’s enemies? Jesus exposed their hypocrisy. He exposed their usury, their wickedness and evil in public.

“It was the truth he spoke that caused them to do what they did. It is the truth that Farrakhan speaks that frees Black people from the control of the enemy and frees humanity from Satan,” he said.

Before God punishes, He always raises a messenger from among the people. Master Fard Muhammad (God in Person), who taught the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, came with two hats to give to two men, two messengers from the Black man and woman of America, the real Children of Israel, Student Min. Ishmael explained.

Like Moses and Aaron, the two men would be anointed. They would fit the description of Mahdi on one side and Messiah on the other, both of whom the Muslim world also expects at the end of the world, Student Min. Ishmael said.

Jews expect the return of the Messiah, and they expect the appearance of Elijah, which is said to mark the Messiah’s arrival and the world’s redemption, he explained. Jews leave a seat at the table open for Elijah during Passover, he said.

Minister Farrakhan said Rev. 2:9 and Rev. 3:9 are the two scriptures that are the “bedrock of the revelation from God” concerning the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and his work.

Those scriptures refer to the exposure of “those who claim to be Jews and are not” but are of the “synagogue of Satan,” Student Min. Ishmael Muhammad, a biological son of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, said.

He reminded the audience of demonstrations members of the Jewish community conducted outside venues where the Minister was speaking and calling for his death.

They tried to make people think Minister Farrakhan was not worthy to listen to by falsely labeling him an anti-Semite, Student Min. Ishmael Muhammad remarked.

“[Farrakhan] has paid a price like no other leader we have produced,” he said. “He’s been on the battlefield for justice longer than any of our great ones.

The more they attacked Farrakhan, the more they denounced him, the stronger was his repudiation of them. Farrakhan never backed down from a fight where our people’s liberation was concerned,” he said.

The birth of Elijah

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s birth is recognized on Oct. 7, the date organizers originally wanted for the Million Man March on the National Mall, but it wasn’t available. They settled for the 16th due to its relationship to the date: 1+6=7.

October 7 became a historical day for another reason in 2023. It was the day Hamas retaliated against the Zionist state of Israel for decades of oppression and suppression.

On that date, Hamas attacked a crowd of Jewish concertgoers, killing 1,200 and taking several hundred hostages. Israel has responded by killing more than 41,000 and wounding thousands more in Gaza at press time.

“Burn October 7 into your heart and mind because it is not only for those who suffer in Palestine, but for those who suffered a 6,000-year rule of an enemy who was the first to bring in a civilization different and contrary to the nature of God Himself,” Student Min. Ishmael Muhammad said.

Allah (God) in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad came with one instruction to the Black man and woman: Accept your own and be yourself, he said.

“Nothing in creation is absent its nature but us,” he explained. “Satan could not rule if we knew our nature from the God who created nature because we would bow to God.

“But Satan wanted to take the place of God, and look at the mess he has made,” Student Min. Ishmael Muhammad concluded. To view this message in its entirety, visit