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The Center for Immunoassay and the Beijing Institute of Technology signed in Havana a memorandum of understanding for the creation of a joint laboratory in the Asian country, focused on expanding academic scientific collaboration, co-development of products and access to new technologies and knowledge.

As reported to Granma, the Master of Science Aramís Sánchez Gutiérrez, vice-director of research of the CIE, the signing of the document lays the foundations for the creation of a modern platform based on the use of immunological and molecular biology techniques, aimed at the rapid diagnosis of the SARS-COV-2 virus (which causes COVID-19) and Influenza A and B, from the use of small volumes of reagents and samples.

The delegation from the Beijing Institute of Technology included Professor Zhang Jun, member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and president of the BIT’s Council, and Dr. Wang Ying, director of the International Affairs Office.

Ms. Guan Hong, associate dean of the School of Management; Professor Zhang Schuailong, School of Integrated Circuits and Electronics; and Professor Fu Rongxin, School of Medical Technology, are also part of the entourage.


The visit to Cuba of the directors of the Chinese scientific entity gives continuity to the growing cooperation links established in recent years between the two countries in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry, which generated dissimilar research projects, technology transfer, and the production and commercialization of medicines and equipment. (Granma)