The world watches as Israel, through spy agency Mossad, defense forces and other entities under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, deploys widespread tools of terror in its war on Gaza and in Lebanon and Syria.

Pagers and walkie-talkies of Hezbollah members have been exploding, killing and maiming people, while causing panic. 

According to Reuters, Mossad planted explosives in pagers purchased by Hezbollah. The pagers were supposed to be a low-tech answer to Israel’s cyber-war and ability to access smartphones, the internet and even closed-circuit television.

As CNN reported Sept. 19, “Walkie-talkies detonated in Lebanon Wednesday, killing at least 25 people and wounding 608 in a fresh attack targeting Hezbollah, according to the country’s health minister. A day earlier, pager blasts killed at least 12 people, including children, and injured thousands across the country, the ministry said.”


UN human rights experts condemned the “malicious manipulation of thousands of electronic pagers and radios to explode simultaneously across Lebanon and Syria as ‘terrifying’ violations of international law.”

They said the attacks reportedly killed at least 32 people and maimed or injured 3,250, including 200 critically. Among the dead are a boy and a girl, as well as medical personnel.

Around 500 people suffered severe eye injuries, including a diplomat. Others suffered grave injuries to their faces, hands and bodies.

“These attacks violate the human right to life, absent any indication that the victims posed an imminent lethal threat to anyone else at the time,” the experts said Sept. 19. “Such attacks require prompt, independent investigation to establish the truth and enable accountability for the crime of murder.”

Hezbollah, a political party with a paramilitary wing, is involved in an armed conflict with Israel along the Lebanese border.

“Simultaneous attacks by thousands of devices would inevitably violate humanitarian law, by failing to verify each target, and distinguish between protected civilians and those who could potentially be attacked for taking a direct part in hostilities,” the experts said in a statement from Geneva.

Humanitarian law prohibits the use of booby traps disguised as apparently harmless portable objects where specifically designed and constructed with explosives—and this could include a modified civilian pager, the experts said. A booby-trap is a device designed to kill or injure, that functions unexpectedly when a person performs an apparently safe act, such as answering a pager.

“It is also a war crime to commit violence intended to spread terror among civilians, including to intimidate or deter them from supporting an adversary,” the experts warned.

Peace activist Medea Benjamin, in an X/Twitter video post, said, “Watching the news about what Israel is doing in Lebanon, starting yesterday with blowing up of these pagers that left about a dozen people dead and thousands injured, and then following up today with explosion of other electronic devices.

You know what this is in one word? Terrorism. This is terrorism. And what it is doing is indiscriminately killing people. This is not just Hamas fighters.”

“Israel has been trying to drag the United States into a wider regional war. And if you think, ‘well, I hate Hezbollah. I’m glad that Israel attacked them.’ You know what? Think again because this is a new kind of warfare,” she warned.

“I remember writing a book about drone warfare over a decade ago, and I said, at that time, the U.S. thinks it has all this great new high technology. Well, it’s going to blowback because that technology is going to spread.

“And sure enough, Iran has all kinds of drones, even the Houthis now have drones that they’re using to attack Israel.

“The same thing is going to happen with this. Whatever electronic device you have that might well be exploding in your face. Who knows when?”

Israel will use any tool, whether technological or human, to achieve its wicked, deadly aims.

The Zionist state is recruiting African migrants, who have never been accepted or treated kindly, as cannon fodder in its war on Gaza.

According to a report by Haaretz, an Israeli newspaper, the Black asylum seekers are being offered permanent residency status in exchange for slaughtering Palestinians.

Opposing voices who say it takes advantage of people already fleeing war have been silenced.

Haaretz said some 30,000 African asylum seekers live in the occupied territories, most of them young men. “Around 3,500 are Sudanese citizens with temporary status granted by the court because the regime has not processed and ruled on their applications,” reported PressTV, Iran’s English-language news agency.

“Unnamed sources who spoke with Haaretz also revealed that while there were some inquiries about granting status to asylum seekers who assisted in the genocidal war in Gaza, none were actually given status.

“Haaretz also learned that the Interior Ministry explored the possibility of drafting the children of asylum seekers, who were educated in schools in the occupied territories, into the Israeli military.

“In the past, the regime allowed the children of foreign workers to serve in the military in exchange for granting status to their immediate family members,” said PressTV.

“African refugees, who came to the occupied territories seeking asylum, were previously kept in internment camps and deported without their own consent.”

Middle East Monitor noted an important disclosure from the website Walla: Israel is “facing revolt among its soldiers who have been deployed or could be facing deployment. There is also great anxiety among reserve soldiers due to fear of the repercussions that the continued fighting would have on their personal, family and work lives, it added.

In a related context, the Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported that dozens of reserve soldiers announced that they would not return to military service in Gaza, even if they were to be punished,” said Middle East Monitor.

“Israel is in a bad condition right now with God. And He showed me in the night what He hated about Israel. Who gives you the right to take your life and make your life valuable, and diminish the value of the lives of others?”

Asked the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, speaking at Saviours’ Day 2024 in Detroit. His keynote address was titled “What Does Allah The Great Mahdi and The Great Messiah Have To Say About The War In The Middle East?”

“Every human being has value. And the value of every human being is what God has put within them when He made them after His own image and likeness. So, as they were minimizing Palestinian life, in the night He was showing me: ‘With every life that they take, that they have diminished, they have diminished the value of their lives in My Sight.’ ”

“So, Netanyahu is a devalued human being. A great man, but he’s lost his value in the eyesight of God,” he said.

The Minister continued: “Mr. Biden, you really should be ashamed of yourself with that kind of power that you have, and nearly 80 million people voted for you to represent them, and you go bend your knees to that man in Israel and make him think he’s bigger than what he is.

“To all of you who have signed the Geneva Convention on Genocide, you have to stand, because it’s them today; it’s the Ukrainians, it’s others under powerful rulers. But the God that I represent? He wants you to know that He is come to set all the rulers down. He has come to take over the rule of America, of the world, as only God should do.”