A sample of foods high in sodium. Photo: MGN Online

[Editor’s Note: This excerpt is from, “How to escape the last plague—death!” Delivered by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan  from Mosque Maryam, the National Center, September 18, 1994.]

In the midst of all of this madness, where is life. The plagues that we see in the time of Egypt are now on America, and the world. Whether you know it or not death now is covering the earth like a plague. God is using widespread death to show His Power as a Saviour.

The road to life is so narrow that if you do not know how to get through, we are lost. Brothers, you do not know this, maybe, but White folk know their world is coming down. They are so upset that their world is coming down that if their world goes out they intend to take everybody down with it. 

The evil of the wicked scientists of death is creating a plague that God Himself is allowing, because God is the only way out. There is no other way! Some of you, as Muslims, you really think because you accepted Islam that you are in the safety zone. Some of you as Christians, you think because you have accepted Jesus Christ, as your personal Saviour, you in the safety zone. I beg to differ with you.


You are not in the safety zone by accepting somebody. You are in the safety zone when you are wise enough, intelligent enough to bow down and submit your will to do the Will of God! Otherwise, you are on the road to death.

Look … in the environment today they have more DDT (dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane), chlorine, chloride, (and) sodium. In one of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s writings, he said, this is “aimed at the reproductive organs of the male in particular, the Black male specifically.” 

Some of you do not even realize you are dying now, in terms of your ability to reproduce life. They have so much DES (Diethylstilbestrol) or the female hormone in foods—They say that the sperm count in America has been reduced in half.

In doing experiments on certain animals like crocodiles they found that the sperm count of the male crocodile is half what it should be and the size of the crocodile penis is half of what it should be. So, you say, ‘what does that got to do with us—Are you being vulgar Farrakhan?’ You notice how White folk cannot produce children today?

Do you know that they are at zero population growth? Every time a White one dies; a White one is born. That means that they are getting older and grayer. And even though you are killing each other wholesale, it does not seem like anything can stop Black folks from having babies?

Do you realize that White folk know that in less than 100 years, we will be the predominant major population in America? It will be over 50 to 60 percent Black? And if the Black ever unite with the Hispanic it is over—it is over! You will be the power and take over America politically without firing a shot.

So, the White boy knows your gun is not more powerful than your ability to reproduce babies. You have another gun that you have been shooting brother (smile). That is more deadly than AK 47 to White people. It looks like everywhere you turn there’s a baby. So White folk have decided, “look, I don’t care if we get some of our own, we’ll get them too.”

So, he’s using your desire for sex to create the worst diseases that have ever afflicted man. AIDS and all its viral counterparts—Now AIDS is the number one killer of the Black man, woman and children. There’s no way out, brother. 

You can beat your tambourine. You can go to church and shout. But if you do not change your lifestyle, you are on the road to death and destruction. The sisters, brothers—I’m talking to Muslims now.

You are under attack right now and don’t even know it. Some of us have been taught “How to Eat to Live,” and we are accepting everybody’s diet except the diet of The Best Knower …  The One Who comes in the midst of death to offer us life and offer us life in abundance!