First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party and Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez extended greetings to To Lam, following his election as the new head of state of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

Through the social network X, Díaz-Canel sent “warm congratulations” and wished success in the fulfillment of his tasks to the new President of the “sister” nation, while communicating his willingness to continue deepening the “excellent” relations between the two countries.

Previously, the member of the Political Bureau and president of the parliament, Esteban Lazo Hernández, had congratulated his counterpart, Tran Thanh Man, on his recent election.

In the letter, the also head of the Cuban Council of State ratified the “commitment to continue sharing valuable experiences for the construction of socialism in our countries and to continue contributing to the integral development of bilateral relations.”


Cuba became the first country in the Western Hemisphere to establish diplomatic relations with Vietnam, in 1960, and so far they maintain strong ties based on cooperation and political dialogue.

The Asian country is the second largest trading partner of the island, the main investor in that region, and with an active participation in the Mariel Special Development Zone, in the light and agri-food industry and, in turn, is the largest supplier of rice for the Cuban population.