I’m writing this article early today, Sunday July the 8th. I just watched the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan when he spoke to people who live here in the United States of America (and to the world) through a WVON interview on The Cliff Kelley Show 1690AM Chicago July 6, 2012.

Cliff Kelley was interviewing Minister Louis Farrakhan.

I was affected by that interview. I started this article a few moments after that interview ended.


It requires a book, or many books, to fully explain and then back-up what I saw and heard of the truth that he spoke. This takes time. How much time?

That has been done, but many people really don’t see or accept the full truth of it. I hope you will use a good dictionary to look up the full meaning of this word–accept.

Others don’t know it and don’t understand that this truth came from the Supreme Being through the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and this involves some others.

I’ve written and spoken the truth of the previous sentence.

“One day the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said to Minister Farrakhan: ‘I did not make you brother.’

“The Minister responded, a little excitedly, ‘Oh yes you did Dear Holy Apostle. Yes you did.’

“The Honorable Elijah Muhammad sternly told him: ‘Be quiet and listen.’ He repeated that he did not make him. Then he said: ‘I taught you like I taught the rest.’

“ ‘But only Allah made you able to put the teachings together, in the unique way that you have of putting the teachings together. Allah prepared you for me.’ ”

How do you fully accept what I have written in this article? What is involved in Allah’s preparation of a human being to serve others in this unique way?

This is something to ponder: a man who is the direct work of God, to serve His highest purposes.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad repeated that which he said on an earlier occasion that Minister Farrakhan was the answer to his prayer for a helper from his family.

Not long afterward he used the same words that you can find in Chapter 7, verse 142, of the Holy Qur’an, that Moses used in speaking to Aaron before he left the physical presence of the people. The words that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad used to Minister Farrakhan “take my place among my people.”

This is exactly what Moses told Aaron before he went to his Lord.

Still later, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad called Minister Farrakhan to Chicago, and at dinner, with the then National Secretary present, Brother John Ali, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said, “Brother, I called you here so that I may share with you some of my burden.”

The Minister sat, waiting for the Honorable Elijah Muhammad to give him some new instructions, or new assignments, that would, in effect, “… share with …” the Honorable Elijah Muhammad “… some of his “burden.”

The only thing the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said on that occasion was that Brother John Ali was to open up all the records of the finances of Temple No. 2 so that he might better see what was going on. This never came about during those days.

However, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad was seeing far into the future and preparing his servant to meet the future–which is now.

Some time later, Minister Farrakhan would think of these, and certain other experiences of his with the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, in relation to such Quranic passages as Chapter 20, verse 29 through 34, or verse 35: “And give to me an aider from my family: Aaron.”

Minister Farrakhan had the flu during a few days in December of 1969. One sister, who was an official from Chicago, had business in New York City. She and I saw each other downstairs outside of Muhammad’s Temple No. 7, as she was going into one Muslim business and I was going into another.

We stopped and exchanged the greetings. She told me of the Minister’s health condition. And then, in commenting on the Minister’s health, she told me that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad had said a few days earlier that he should be careful of his health, for Aaron was given a hard time by the people after Moses left.

Think about this. Obviously, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad was, again, putting on Minister Farrakhan’s mind that which was soon to come.

Then there was another time when the Honorable Elijah Muhammad told Minister Farrakhan the following, “I am going away to study. I will be gone for approximately three years. What I have given you is just a wake-up message.

“Don’t change the teachings while I’m gone. If you are faithful, I will reveal the new teachings through you on my return.”

In 1975, all people on the earth, thought that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad was dead. Minister Farrakhan also thought that at that time.

In September 1977, I went to California to see Minister Farrakhan. We met each other in Hollywood, California, in a restaurant. The last time before that time I’d spoken to him was in February 1975 on the telephone.

Now, he had experiences that changed his mind. I need more space to fully explain what happened. This involves history and prophecy and the relationship between the two of them. This involves the Bible and the Holy Qur’an, and who wrote them, when and why it was done in a way not to understand it until the right time, which is now.

In some better dictionaries, the word “fiction” means this, “technique of dramatizing history by way of writing or filmmaking that portrays real people or events by dramatizing the facts using the techniques of fiction.” “Dramatized work based on real life–a piece of writing, or a television program that portrays real people or events in a dramatized way.”

I’m not finished with these specific series of articles. I’m in the process of ending them. I’ve also made clear that “timing” was involved in the truth the Honorable Elijah Muhammad told directly to Minister Farrakhan–before 1975 and then after 1975.

Now, the word fiction means imaginative writing, something (as a story) invented by the imagination. There are many books that are called, “novel.”

The word “fact” and the word “truth” are very different from the words “fiction” and “lie.” You can use your dictionary to look up the word “fact” and the word “truth.” The word “fiction” is different from the word “lie.”

The word lie means to “deliberately say something untrue and do it in a way carefully thought out and done intentionally; to be deceptive; to give a false impression. A situation based on deception or a false impression … .”

What are the differences and what effect this has on people?

Why, how and why now?

We are at the end of the wicked power? It is also the time we can come out of wickedness? How?

This involves Minister Farrakhan when he was in San Diego, which produced these series of articles I’m writing now.

More next issue, Allah willing.