N.O.I. flag raising and prayer service July 4. Photo: Abdul K Muhammad

CHICAGO—A July 4 flag-raising ceremony and special prayer service took place on the grounds of The National Center, headquarters of the Nation of Islam, celebrating Point No. 12 of  “What the Muslims Believe,” which states:  “WE BELIEVE that Allah (God) appeared in the Person of Master W. Fard Muhammad, July, 1930: the long-awaited ‘Messiah’ of the Christians and ‘Mahdi’ of the Muslims.”

Master W. Fard Muhammad went to a section of Detroit known as Black Bottom, where in 1930, 100,000 impoverished Black people resided. Black Bottom was overcrowded with unemployed and destitute residents. This Man from Mecca, Arabia, went door to door selling silks, as a way to gain entry into the homes of Black residents. Once inside, He would spread the knowledge and wisdom of Islam, little by little. Over time, people in the community learned many things, including their true history, proper diet, hygiene, proper styles of dress, and much more.

Master W. Fard Muhammad taught and raised the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, who in turn prepared His National Representative, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.

The ceremony marked 93 years of declared independence for the Black man and woman and was attended by at least 100 members.


Student Minister Ishmael Muhammad, National Assistant to the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, began the celebration with powerful words during a special prayer service in the musalla (prayer room) of Mosque Maryarm. 

“We refer to the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad as the Exalted Christ, for Allah who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, has given to His servant power over everything in creation, except Himself,” he said.

“And has given Him the power to crush and destroy the wicked, the enemy, Satan. We thank Allah for the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, who was made the Messiah, by Him who functioned as the Messiah before His ascension.”

Following the message from Student Minister Ishmael Muhammad, there was prayer and a flag-raising ceremony outside. The Nation of Islam Honor Guard marched in ranks as onlookers watched the National Flag of the Nation of Islam raised. Master W. Fard Muhammad gave to Black people a flag that represents the Universe: the sun, moon, and stars, and declared us a free people.

“Today was a wonderful day, celebrating the appearance of Allah, and it feels really good that He came to save us and deliver us,” Katilya Stroman stated.

Student Minister Dr. Wesley Muhammad agreed, calling it a “wonderful event.”

“Our flag gives evidence to the fact that the Nation of Islam is not an organization; it is an independent Nation. We raise the flag that God Almighty designed and brought to us, signaling that we are free, we are justified and we are made equal. May Allah continue to bless the Nation of Islam under the guidance of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan,” he said.

Those in attendance felt the love of Allah (God) was present.

“The Believers are focused on what is most important and it’s that Allah loves each and every one of us; that’s why He came, that’s why He gave to us the best. Now we have to live up and be the best,” said Student Minister Abel Muhammad.

(Shawntell Muhammad can be contacted at [email protected].)