Photo: MGN Online

[Editor’s note:  The following article contains edited excerpts of the hour-long message delivered by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan as Part 38 of his 58-week Lecture Series “The Time and What Must Be Done,” which originally aired on Saturday, September 28, 2013. This message was originally published in The Final Call under the title, “Wicked Policy and America’s National Interest, Part 2.” This is the second and final excerpt from that message. To order this message in its entirety on MP3, DVD and CD or call 1.866.602.1230, ext. 200 or visit]

Another American chemical company, DuPont, is the world’s third-largest producer of chemicals, agrochemicals, polymers, safety materials, electronics and genetically modified seeds. 

In 1999, DuPont became the largest seed company and producer of hybrid seeds used in production of genetically modified corn and soy. DuPont is among the top four biotech companies that produce 100 percent of the genetically modified seeds, and 60 percent of world pesticides.                  

However, according to a Congressional Research Service report dated September 2, 2010, entitled “Agricultural Biotechnology: Background and Recent Issues,”


by Tadlock Cowan, there are ongoing concerns about the impact of Genetically Engineered crops on the environment and food safety; and whether U.S. regulations and oversight by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Food and Drug Administration and the Environmental Protection Agency are “adequate.” 

This has caused many lawsuits against the USDA for its approval of alfalfa and sugar beets; where, in both cases, the District Courts found USDA approval of the genetically modified organism was inadequate, and ordered the U.S. Department of Agriculture to conduct an environmental impact statement—but it did not stop them from producing the genetically modified seeds! 

In March of 2011, the Public Patent Foundation Filed a federal lawsuit against Monsanto on behalf of the Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association, and other farmers and organizations, totaling 83 Plaintiffs.  The essence of the lawsuit is stated in the “First Amended Complaint” filed in June 2011, which reads, in part: 

“1. Society stands on the precipice of forever being bound to transgenic agriculture and transgenic food.  Coexistence between transgenic seed and organic seed is impossible because transgenic seed contaminates and eventually overcomes organic seed. …”

In other words:  The “grafted thing” is disagreeable to live with in peace.  There must be separation, for one will absolutely destroy the other.  The quote concludes with:  “History has already shown this as soon after transgenic seed for canola was introduced, organic canola became virtually extinct as a result of transgenic seed contamination.

Organic corn, soybean, cotton, sugar beet and alfalfa now face the same fate, as transgenic seed has been released for each of those crops, too. And transgenic seed is being developed for many other crops, thus putting the future of all food, and indeed all agriculture, at stake.” 

The document defines “transgenic,” which means “to introduce the genetic code of one species into another.”  Also, it states that “transgenic plants” are sometimes referred to as “genetically modified” or “genetically engineered”; however, “those terms are imprecise and, therefore, not used herein”—in this case that is put before the court. 

However, if there is no “coexistence” between the natural seed and the transgenic (altered) seed, and the altered seed will destroy the natural seed, then the same is also true in our “race relations”!  Because “race relations” will continue to get worse, because the government cannot provide food, clothing, shelter and jobs for us anymore! 

As we sit around, waiting for somebody else to do this for us, we are making our former slave masters and their children angrier with us; and they are becoming completely disagreeable to live with in peace!  And that is why we must be separated if we don’t want to continue to suffer great loss! 

This is so clear to me, that our Saviour, Master Fard Muhammad, saw all of this—so He “closed the door” on not just a human devil, but any live germ grafted from original is devil! 

So we can all say, bearing witness to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, that we are not going to be safe, we are not going to be healthy, we are not going to live long, and we are not going to slow down the aging process unless we grow, raise and prepare our own foods, and save our money, and buy land for farming!

So, the USDA and Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) are working with The Enemies of health and the well-being of the American people.  At some point the American people will awaken, and they will rise against this—and declare in their rising up that their government is no longer “of, by and for” the American people.