Unveiling the Number 19

[Editor’s Note: This article is reprinted from Volume 34, No. 6 and The Final Call will continue to reprint articles written by our late and dear Mother Tynnetta Muhammad.]

“Or thinkest thou that the companions of the Cave and the Inscription were of Our wonderful signs.   When the youths sought refuge in the Cave, they said:   Our Lord, grant us mercy from Thyself, and provide for us a right course in our affair.”Holy Qur’an, Surah 18, verses 9-10

In the story of Jack and the Beanstalk, why did the giant chant–Fee Fi Fo Fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman, Be he alive or be he dead, I’ll grind his bones to make my bread?   If we substitute the sound value of the letter F, the sixth letter of the English alphabet, with the equal sound value of the English letters phi (fee) phi (fi) pho (fo) phum (fum), we see hidden inside the letters which includes their vowels the words: fee as meaning a price to pay.  

In the word phi (fi) again, we see the word high.   In the sound of the letter pho, we can extract the word foe or enemy, or opponent and phum (fum), we have hidden the word hum.   So these words added together could interpret that the giant is chanting a riddle using sound values that convert into words that could mean–my enemy or foe has a high price to pay for invading or trespassing into my domain or home.  


According to the sixth chapter of Genesis in Noah’s time, after the birth of Shem, Ham and Japheth, it came to pass, “once upon a time” when men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born to them that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were beautiful or fair and took them for wives.   And in those days, there were giants in the land.   Could these giants symbolically serve as some type of guardians in this heavenly kingdom of God where there was great wealth and abundance of gold?    

In this same period, the sons of God encountered the daughters of men and took them for wives.   This angered God according to the Book of Genesis, for wickedness had increased in the land so severely that he raised Noah and warned the people about the coming flood. It appears that in this ancient ante diluvian time, there were several distinguished groups of people or societies inhabiting the land eastward from Eden that fit distinct characteristics of various types of civilizations.

It occurred to me while reading these passages from the Bible that there were aspects relative to Yacob’s history in the generation of the Caucasian people in the time of their seclusion or separation into the caves and hillsides of Europe.     A branch of this Race occupied the hills and regions of what is known as Central Asia today. This region was once guarded at the frontiers or borders by guards to keep them out of the East or Holy Land from whence they were exiled for making trouble among the Righteous.

According to the Divine Teachings of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, Muslim guards or patrols were placed on the border of what we call modern Turkey today with flaming swords to keep them from reentering the Holy Land.   We will also recall that many of the Caucasian people returning to the Holy Land in Arabia, following their departure from the Island of Pelan (Patmos), that they caused fighting and bloodshed among the people.   This is the same characteristic that is practiced by this people today, always stirring up trouble in the Holy Land.

If we carry this history over to the analogy of the story of Jack and the Beanstalk, we find some interesting parallels. Jack, cleverly worked his way into the house or castle of the giant’s (guardian’s home) and gets next to his wife to get a meal or breakfast.   This is exactly the kind of intrigue that the White Race brought to the domestic tranquility of the people living in the Holy Land; it was to stir up mischief making by lying with the use of Tricknollegy.   Upon three occasions, the giant returns to his home, and on the third occasion finds Jack taking off with his musical instrument, the golden harp.

In the story of Jacob in the Bible, he defrauds his elder brother Esau, robbing him first of his birthright over a bowl of porridge and then takes away his blessing. There are many more analogies to be made between this story of Jacob and Jack and the Beanstalk narrative, including the giant’s (guardian’s) carefully chosen words pointing out the identity specifically of the Englishman who tricked his wife and stole his wealth and prosperity.   Is there an underlying link here to the Supreme Wisdom Teachings of English Lesson No. C1 in which the English trader forged a false interpretation that they (ex-slaves) would receive gold for their labor–more than they were earning in their own country? But they did not receive gold and they were left tricked and robbed and there was no one who could speak their own language.  

So the Great Master, W. Fard Muhammad, came alone to America to rescue his people and to return them once again to their own kingdom in a land of their own.   So in all of the English nursery rhymes and fairytales, the writer has hidden the truth of his stolen identity and of our own.   Only through the Divine Teachings of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad are we able to solve the riddle of the ancients with a greater knowledge of Truth than we have ever been given before.

So let us remember that English Lesson No. C1 is to be read to our children as bedtime stories separating the Truth from Falsehood in everything we see or do.   The question is raised:   Can we fool a Muslim?   And the answer is: Not nowadays.   In paragraph 8 of the original 13 paragraphs given to the students to study by Master W. Fard Muhammad, we are given the following words concerning English Lesson No. C1 and how it should be applied to our daily lives: “Spelling must be used by all Muslim girls and mothers to their children for bedtime study; also, in regular courses.   Muslims must get away from reading that Devil’s Bedtime story to their children.”

 “So We prevented them from hearing in the Cave for a number of years,   Then We raised them up that We might know which of the two parties was best able to calculate the time for which they remained.”–Holy Qur’an, Surah 18, verses 11-12

To be continued.