Couples renew their vows at the 2023 Marriage Retreat in Phoenix, Arizona, at Mosque No. 32.

“The true life of marriage is based in the quality of love. Where true love exists, we can weather the storms of life and its ups and downs. Where true love exists, we will be faithful through sickness, poverty, and through whatever difficulty life brings to us. Therefore, to accomplish the goal of the union of two people is to gain the incomparable quality of True Love.”

—The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, “The Pain of Infidelity”

Married couples are invited to the 14th Annual Marriage Keepers Marriage Retreat in Houston, Texas, at the Hyatt Place Medical Center, August 29-September 1.

Coordinated by husband-and-wife Brother Marcus and Sister Cecelia Muhammad of Atlanta’s Mosque No. 15, and led by married couples and relationship coaches, the Marriage Retreat provides tools, insights, and experiences to help couples strengthen, reconnect and build a deeper connection with their spouse.  

“The Marriage Keepers,” Brother Marcus and Sister Cecelia Muhammad, will be hosting the 2024 retreat in Houston, Texas. Photos courtesy of The Marriage Keepers

“We are trying to change the narrative, and we want to put people in a position where they will choose marriage over the single life, and we are being successful, by Allah’s Grace,” stated Brother Marcus Muhammad. 

Workshop topics include Husbands-only/Wives-only classes, a special session on communication, intimacy, grading or marriage assessments by husbands and wives, credit repair and finance seminar, and a special Q&A with Student Minister Ishmael Muhammad, National Assistant to the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.

A lot goes into changing the dynamics of people’s marriages, and that’s why the Marriage Retreats are so phenomenal, said Sister Cecelia Muhammad. “People give up in their marriage, in their relationship, because in their minds, they don’t see an end to whatever the challenge may be.

That’s why these marriage retreats are so phenomenal because it helps strengthen believers and those who participate to know there are tools that you need to apply in your relationship,” she said.

This year’s retreat also features a Jumu’ah Prayer service and a renewal of marriage vows ceremony, to be performed by Southwest Regional Student Minister Abdul Haleem Muhammad. 

This is not simply a weekend getaway, explained Student Min. Haleem Muhammad. “We are about to face some difficult times in the immediate future. We need to work on increasing the quality and quantity of our love in our marriages now more than ever. Our survival depends on it,” he said.

In a message titled, “The Sacredness of the Institution of Marriage,” Minister Farrakhan stated,“Since the institution of marriage is one half of faith, then similar trials that are experienced in the journey of faith are also visited on those two souls that desire to become as one.

After completion of many trials, the two become well pleased in the eyes of each other and well pleasing in the eyes of Allah (God).”

Registration is open until August 29. For more information visit or contact Brother Marcus Muhammad at 770-256-8856.