[Editor’s note: The following contains an excerpt from a message delivered by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan at Mosque Maryam in Chicago, Illinois, on April 8, 2007, which is Part 4 of the One Nation Under God Lecture Series.]

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan

America has earned the wrath of Allah (God). Out of 192 countries on the earth, America has soldiers in 135. She has bases in most of these countries.

Did you know that America has gone throughout the world, threatening nations with a pullback of military assistance and other forms of aid unless they signed a document saying that they will never bring an American citizen before the international criminal court?

Almost 90 nations have signed that document. Why would America not want people to bring her citizens before an international criminal court? Because, everywhere America has bases, her soldiers and her personnel have been injurious to the people who are hosting them.


The Japanese people want American bases out of Okinawa, Japan. It is the same in Korea and other nations. There was just a meeting in Quito, Ecuador, which also has an American base, where 1,000 activists met to talk about seeing countries get rid of American bases. America has bases surrounding Iran and Russia.

They had on television the other day, an Iraqi citizen that helped pull down the statue of Saddam Hussein, who said he regrets it now, stating “the devil we knew is better than the devil we did not know.” That man said he wishes that Saddam was back because the country is worse now than it ever was.

There is an article that came to me a few days ago about the lies that presidents have told to get America into war. On television, there was a discussion about impeachment of President Bush and the fact that he lied to the American people, saying that Saddam Hussein and Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and there were none.

Those participating in the discussion felt there was cause enough to impeach the president, however, one U.S. senator said, “No. Lying and deceiving the Congress is not an impeachable offense,” and that they don’t have enough to impeach the president because all the presidents have done it.

Do you mean you can lie and force war on the American people, rape the treasuries, cause over 3,000 young lives to be lost and over 20,000 wounded, and that’s not a high crime? My God, then, what is the offense that you can impeach the president for?

I took the article that was sent to me about all the lies that the presidents have told to get American into war. I asked the research department to see if there was any truth to the article. They said it was.

In 1773, 150 White men dressed up like Indians, blackened their faces with burnt cork and threw more than 15 tons of British tea into the Boston Harbor. They dressed this way to have the British believe that the Indians and the Blacks had done this crime.

That was like a germ that started insurgencies that led to the midnight ride of Paul Revere and a Black man dying in Boston for a freedom that we yet don’t have—all on the basis of a lie.

In 1846, President James Polk lied to the nation when he said the Mexicans had invaded the territory known as Texas; shedding American blood upon American soil. He used the lie to steal Texas from Mexico, which resulted in a war with Mexico and American soldiers that went all the way down to Mexico City.

Santa Ana signed a treaty which sold Texas to America. Then America, as a result of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo which ended the Spanish-American War, was able to acquire all the territories that were in fact Mexico which included Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, Wyoming, as well as California, Nevada and Utah. But it started on the basis of a lie.

In 1898, the United States wanted control over Puerto Rico, the Philippines and Guam, so President William McKinley lied about an explosion on board a U.S. ship called “The Maine” that was anchored in Havana Harbor that killed 260 American servicemen.

The U.S. government doesn’t care about killing Americans, if it serves their purpose. The Spanish/American War; they took over Cuba, the Philippines, Puerto Rico and Guam.

They gained control over Cuba so that the island could be open to United Fruit and other American corporations. This is America. Maybe you don’t know anything about this America, but you’re sitting up in it; and when the wrath comes down on it, you better try to get yourself into a safe place.

In 1914, President Woodrow Wilson lied about the reasons for entering the first World War, saying it was a war to make the world safe for democracy, when it was really a war to divide up the African continent for the European powers.

Photo: MGN Online/Vecteezy

In 1945, President Harry Truman lied when he said the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki [Japan], because it was a military target, even though the major cities were already burned and leveled. At least 200,000 men, women and children were killed at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

All the presidents lied about Vietnam—President John Kennedy lied about the extent of U.S. involvement; President Lyndon B. Johnson lied about the Gulf of Tonkin incident; President Richard M. Nixon lied about the secret bombing of Cambodia.

They all claimed the war was to keep South Vietnam free of Communists, but they really wanted to keep South Vietnam as an American outpost at the edge of the Asian continent.

The U.S. press and the Congress backed President Johnson up, when he claimed that North Vietnam launched “an unprovoked attack” against the U.S. Destroyer in the Gulf of Tonkin. They used this as a means to escalate the war in Vietnam in that area, to which 500,000 American soldiers were sent.

In 1969, Pres. Nixon’s National Security Advisor, Henry Kissinger, waged a covert war against Cambodia and unleashed a 14-month, carpet bombing attack against the Cambodian people, which resulted in 600,000 deaths.

Mr. Kissinger did not want Congress, the American public nor the world to know that it was bombing a country with which it was not at war. To him, the killing of 600,000 Cambodians didn’t mean anything.

In 1983, President Ronald Reagan lied about the invasion of Grenada in the Caribbean, claiming that it was a threat to the United States—a little island.

Grenada began constructing an international airport to accommodate tourism, but President Reagan accused Grenada of constructing facilities to aid a Soviet-Cuban military build-up in the Caribbean. They overthrew the government of Maurice Bishop who was killed in a coup that was organized by the CIA.

Former president Bill Clinton said under oath, “I did not have sex with that woman,” and lied; this was called a high crime and misdemeanor. However, 3,300 young soldiers dead on the basis of a lie; thousands more with their legs blown off, their arms blown off, their faces distorted and destroyed, but that’s not a high crime?

In 1991, President George H. Bush, the 41st president of the United States and President George W. Bush’s father, lied about the reason for attacking Iraq—then.

Attacking that country was not to defend the integrity of Kuwait, but rather to assert U.S. power in the oil-rich Middle East, due to Kuwait’s being caught using American-made equipment to drill under the border, and stealing $14 billion worth of oil from underneath Iraqi territory.

When Saddam Hussein caught them and spoke to the American Ambassador to Iraq, April Glaspie, she backed away, and Saddam invaded Kuwait. President Bush then met with British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, and both asked Saddam Hussein to get out of Kuwait.

When he wouldn’t, 32 nations united to drive Saddam Hussein out of Kuwait and establish the American bases that are now in the Middle East.

Well, in 2002, President George W. Bush lied about Weapons of Mass Destruction. According to the famous hospital in Baltimore, John Hopkins, 634,000 Iraqis have died in four years. One and a half million have died since 1991 with U.S.-imposed sanctions. Those deaths don’t mean anything to America.

Rubble at the World Trade Center after September
11, 2001 attacks. Photo: Preston Keres/U.S. Navy

America armed Iraq when the U.S. government approved 771 different export licenses for material such as anthrax, botulism, Salmonella, and E. coli. Nuclear, chemical and biological weapons technology was given to Saddam so that when he waged war against Imam Khomeni of Iran, he would have the military edge.

Now, let us ask some questions about the World Trade Center, because 9/11 has produced a change all over the world, but it has ill-affected Muslims in America and all over the world because the U.S. government said Muslims were involved in the attack on 9/11.

Questions: Why have at least 5 of the 19 alleged hijackers turned up alive and well? How could the steel have melted in the World Trade Center when jet fuel does not burn at more than 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit and the melting point of steel is 2,700 degrees Fahrenheit? How did it happen?

Buildings 1 and 2 were hit by airplanes. No planes hit Building 7, but it collapsed in the exact manner of a controlled demolition although it was not struck by an airplane.

How did so many people know to invest in the falling stock prices in American Airlines and United Airlines, one day before the crashes?

You’re dealing with a government that doesn’t care about its citizens. You’re dealing with a government that does what is necessary for their foreign policy and their national interests and they will waste your life and my life.