Have you noticed that in recent issues of The Final Call, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan has been reminding us to exercise in his “The War Against Obesity (Fat)” series? The subtitle of the article says, “Exercise to Stay Alive!”

What hinders us from exercising? What stops us from setting and achieving a goal? Maybe it’s a lack of knowledge, or maybe, it’s the presence of pain. In Study Guide No. 6 in “Self-Improvement:

The Basis for Community Development,” it states that “Desire is the food source of the Will. In addition to nourishment, the Will needs direction and support. What are the principles of action which direct and support our Will in the Way of Allah (God)?”

We “exercise” the Will by overcoming resistance. The principles of action mentioned in Study Guide No. 6 which “direct and support the essence of our being are: Prayer, Zakat (Charity); Fasting; Hajj (Pilgrimage), and Jihad (using one’s utmost efforts in contending with an object of disapprobation).”


Notice that prayer is listed first because it “generates the Desire to perform the other principles of action, out of Love and Adoration for the Creator.” Out of love and gratitude for the Creator for our life, we should strive to “actively” preserve and care for this wonderful vessel He has given us. We should, as the Holy Qur’an says, “Pray and do Good.” Pray and set a goal.

Set your goal and take a little step toward your goal each day. Start with daily goals. For example, if I have a goal that I will not eat any sweets today, I have just set a small, but achievable goal. Remember your “intention” before you reach for that delicious chocolate chip chewy cookie.

Believe me, I understand the allure of chocolate. It’s the serotonin that is a substance that acts as a neurotransmitter and can uplift your mood. Ask yourself “Is eating this going to bring me closer to my goal or away from it?”  

Keep the goal of “weighing properly” in mind. Think about it. Also, review the lecture, “Belief in Allah,” by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. It gives excellent inspirational guidance for achieving goals. (Visit www.store.finalcall.com)

We are encouraged in the Study Guides to use “practical application.” In Study Guide No. 5, it was suggested to break a habit that was destructive to our Will.

Three habits we should strive to break are: eating between meals, eating large portions of processed foods (macaroni and cheese, white bread, etc.) and not exercising. Instead, work on disciplining yourself, managing your portion sizes, and intentionally engaging in some type of daily exercise.

May Allah (God) bless us all with good thoughts, peace, health, wealth, love, and happiness.

Dr. Audrey Muhammad is an educator, aerobics instructor, and author of “Get Fit to Live: Be Your Best You!” Contact her at [email protected] and for more information, visit www.virtuetodaymag.com. Please consult a physician before beginning any new exercise or dietary program.