[Editor’s Note: This article is a reprint and was published online on March 2, 2015; and The Final Call will continue to reprint articles by our beloved brother and friend, Minister Jabril Muhammad.]

If you have The Final Call newspaper you can see on the front page it reads, “Unite Behind Muhammad’s Program and Position by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan–page 20.”

This is Volume 34 Number 19 dated February 17, 2015.

The headline reads, Weather, Warning and Judgment  Are America’s weather woes accidental, coincidental or God’s way of trying to tell the country something?–Pg. 3.

Photo: Final Call file

Something means “a thing that is unspecified or unknown; used in various expressions indicating that a description or amount being stated is not exact.

I started reading aspects of The Final Call on Saturday, February 14th, 2015. Then I sat down to write my article to be sent later that day to The Final Call. I didn’t send the article out until Sunday morning February 15th.

Sunday evening, I started watching TV and I saw on CNN a program that was to air on Malcolm X. At the time, I did not catch what date it was to air. I immediately sent Minister Farrakhan a note.

On Monday morning, my wife told me that Minister Farrakhan wanted to see us. When we got to his house, he informed us of Mother Tynnetta Muhammad’s Return to Allah.

I did not expect that.

Later that day, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan informed the Nation of Islam.


You can read this in the book, Closing The Gap.

In a little mountain village, in the country of Mexico, during the night of September 17, 1985, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan had a vision-like experience that was far more than a vision. He didn’t realize that he had this experience until two days later when an earthquake took place.

Then, on the 19th he told his experience to his wife, Mother Khadijah, and to Mother Tynnetta Muhammad. His vision-like experience took place between two significant speaking engagements. The first was in Los Angeles, California, where he spoke to about 19,000 people, on September 13, 1985.

Up to that time, it was the largest live gathering ever to hear the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad in the history of the Nation of Islam, west of the Mississippi River. Minister Farrakhan left Los Angeles and went to Mexico, where he experienced his vision.

The next event was to take place in New York City, October 7th, where he would speak to an audience approaching 50,000 people inside two of the buildings of Madison Square Garden and on the outside. Minister Farrakhan used Phoenix for most of the time he spent in preparation for his speech in Los Angeles. He now returned to Phoenix to prepare for his next speech, which was to come in New York City. Mother Tynnetta Muhammad and I were with Minister Farrakhan, on the first day of his preparation for his New York speech.

This discussion took place at a lake called Lake Pleasant, in Phoenix. Then as we were gathering our books and papers to return to Scottsdale (a city adjoining Phoenix), Minster Farrakhan informed me of his vision-like experience.

I was at the same time both immensely gratified and profoundly moved by it and struck by what seemed to me to be the casual manner in which he told me what he did. I regarded what he told me as momentous, wondrous or spectacular, or even more than that. He did not seem to realize the weight and significance of what he was telling me.

It was a few days later, while he and I were on a jet, on our way on a route that would take us to New York City, that I asked him to please go over his vision-like experience again with me. I wanted him to put his experience on tape because I wanted his every word of his experience carefully preserved. To me what he experienced was something that would powerfully reverberate around the earth.

As he spoke into the tape recorder he began to break down. He said he was realizing that something very unusual had happened to him, which he could not explain. Tears began to roll down his cheeks as he spoke to me. It was evident to me that he was experiencing more fully the reality of his vision-like experience, even as he spoke. He said he felt as if he had been inoculated with something and now he was feeling the effects.

To me, his reaction accounted for the way he seemed to me when he first told me of his more than a vision. When he first told me of his experience, he did not seem to recognize the enormity of what he was telling me, which he had experienced.


In The Final Call page 20 you can read these excerpts of Minister Farrakhan’s words.

“In Message To The Blackman In America, in the chapter ‘Program and Position,’ the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said, ‘We do not believe that America will ever be able to furnish enough jobs for her own millions of unemployed in addition to jobs for the 20,000,000 Black people.’ We’re going to have to think about this man again. Look at him again. Because everything he taught us would happen is happening.”

“America has 14-20 million people out of work. We have one out of six in poverty; and 50 millions or more that have tasted poverty, and lack sufficient food and nourishment. There’s another 46 million that are without health insurance. And 49 million who are considered ‘functional illiterates,’ people that can read, but at a fifth grade level.

“I want to talk to you now about our future; America is in this so-called global economy, with a service-oriented economy where people, now, have to be re-educated to be technically savvy to fit in to even find a job in today’s world. You send your children to college and you expect that their college education is going to get them a job. But since you didn’t have the money, they’re in debt! And debt is another form of slavery.

“Some of the people who are working are engineers, nurses and doctors; however, the people that are being laid off are teachers, policemen and firemen. At a time like this, you lay off teachers, policemen and firemen? In a talk that we had with Brother Tavis Smiley, Dr. Cornell West and a host of Black leaders in Chicago, I asked the question, “When the first March on Washington was planned in the ‘40s, what were they after? Jobs and Justice. When we marched again in ’63, what were we after? Jobs and Justice. And when we had the 20th Anniversary of the March on Washington, what was the cry? Jobs and Justice!”


Again, Minister Farrakhan spoke to the Nation of Islam on Monday, February 16th, 2015. This is February 21, 2015. I’m in Chicago and Allah willing, Minister Farrakhan will speak to the world February 22nd in our annual Saviours’ Day convention. I do not know, what Allah would guide my Brother to say. But I intend to study his words very carefully, Allah willing.

More next issue, Allah willing.