The Nation of Islam (NOI) Musical Ensemble, comprised of passionate youth and young adults, is embarking on a nationwide tour to showcase their deep appreciation for classical music. These talented musicians, inspired by the Teachings of The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the refined musical prowess of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, aims to highlight the high level of culture and civilization fostered within the Nation of Islam.

The Ensemble embodies the seeds of excellence planted by Minister Farrakhan, who has significantly influenced their musical journey with his refined artistic expression and personal experiences in music. After debuting at Saviours’ Day 2024 in Detroit, The Ensemble performed in Houston on June 29 at the Joe Ratliff Lifelong Center.

The N.O.I. Musical Ensemble’s “Sounds of Harmony Tour” is scheduled to run from Summer 2024 to February 2025 and seeks to challenge and dispel negative stereotypes and misconceptions often associated with Black youth and young adults and the broader Black and Latino communities. Through their performances, they aspire to reveal the depth of refinement and cultural richness within their communities. Audiences are invited to witness and appreciate the Ensemble’s dedication to elevating their art and breaking down prejudices, celebrating the unity and harmony they bring through their music. For more information visit

—N.O.I. Musical Ensemble
