Page 39 of the “Million Family March: The National Agenda, Public Policy Issues, Analyses, and Programmatic Plan of Action” contains an excerpt from the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan from his address at the Million Family March in 2000.

Student Minister Abdullah Muhammad

The Minister states in part, “True prison reform starts with the enlightenment of the inmates of who that inmate is in reality, and not what he or she has become because of circumstances.

True prison reform reconnects the soul to its Creator and begins to provide those human needs and then we see a change in attitude in the inmate that leads to behavioral change.”

The National Agenda also states, “Too often we allow our incarcerated sisters and brothers to be forgotten and disconnected from the community.


As we work to raise the cultural and political consciousness of our families in public housing and ghettos, and in the suburbs and upscale areas, we must also work to raise the cultural and political consciousness of our family members in the jail cells and chain gangs, and in the solitary wings and death rows.

It is the responsibility of those of us on the ‘outside’ to provide the imprisoned with information, support and encouragement both while they are behind bars and as they re-enter society.”

On March 20 the N.O.I. Student National Prison Reform Minister Abdullah Muhammad visited the State Correctional Institution in Chester, Pennsylvania.

Student Minister Keith Muhammad

Student Minister Abdullah was accompanied to the prison by Student Minister Keith Muhammad of the Chester, Pennsylvania N.O.I. Study Group and Student Delaware Valley Region Fruit of Islam (F.O.I.) Captain Anthony Muhammad.

The following are testimonies from Student Minister Keith and Student Captain Anthony on their experience.

“Student National Prison Reform Minister Abdullah Muhammad’s long-awaited visit to SCI-Chester was a high-spirited and inspirational affair, with a diverse audience of Muslims, Christians, Jehovah’s Witnesses and others.

Student National Prison Reform Minister Abdullah Muhammad delivered what I would describe as a message densely packed with the revelatory truths found in the Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, mixed with lighthearted humor and personal stories that highlighted principles the brothers could really relate to. The meeting, which lasted over three hours, concluded with an insightful question-and-answer session.”

—Student Minister Keith Muhammad

“Our visit at SCI-Chester was a great visit. The inmates received us well. The Inmate Student Coordinator Brother Justino was very elated by our presence. He was so moved by our presence, tears rolled down his eyes.

Student Captain Anthony Muhammad

He really had a passionate cry.  Student National Prison Reform Minister Abdullah Muhammad taught on ‘The Reality of God.’

At the end of his message, the brothers had a lot of questions for Student Minister Abdullah. The questions were more of a religious nature. The brothers wanted to know more about the reality of God and the Mother Plane (the Wheel).

Overall, it was a good spirit with our brothers who were present. Minister Abdullah was humorous, he laughed, the brothers laughed; it was a warm and spiritually charged meeting. The brothers were focused and attentive to his message.”

—Student Regional Captain Anthony Muhammad

We also have statements from the Inmate Study Group Student Coordinator Brother Justino and two other brothers impacted by Student Minister Abdullah’s message.

“The SCI-Chester N.O.I. Prison Reform Study Group served as host to receive and hear Brother Student National Prison Reform Minister Abdullah Muhammad teach on becoming one with God and His Exalted Christ through Minister Louis Farrakhan. Every fortress has its key. So too does every prison house, but freedom begins first mentally.

Brother Minister Abdullah Muhammad exquisitely used the Bible, Holy Qur’an, and personal experience gained from walking with the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan to bear witness to these being the days of Allah, who is in Power working out His Plan through His Exalted Christ, the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.”

—Brother Justino

“The way Student Minister Abdullah spoke the words of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad so eloquent and exuberant to the men here at SCI-Chester, it made the atmosphere there so serene. 

A lot of the men never heard the Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and wanted to know more about the Teachings after Student National Prison Reform Minister Abdullah Muhammad’s departure. His words were the epitome of ‘truth knocking out the brains of falsehood.’”

—Brother Anthony X Torain

“I had the privilege of attending the N.O.I. service with Minister Abdullah and Minister Keith Muhammad. As a Christian, I found the message enlightening and truly refreshing.

The truth was delivered about our existence as Black men in our present world. I enjoyed it so much that Minister Abdullah called me ‘smiley.’ I was so invigorated.”

— Brother Michael Johnson

This is the true value of the Nation of Islam Prison Reform Ministry in words from those inspired and impacted by the message of the Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad as taught by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and shared by Student Minister Abdullah Muhammad. This writer encourages all to support The N.O.I. Prison Reform Ministry. You can find out how each week in The Final Call newspaper on page 25.

Brother Gregory Muhammad
N.O.I. Prison Reform Ministry,
Delaware Valley Regional Student Coordinator