FILE - Rep. Jamaal Bowman, D-N.Y., listens to fellow speakers before President Joe Biden speaks during an event at SUNY Westchester Community College, May 10, 2023, in Valhalla, N.Y. The House has voted to censure Bowman for triggering a fire alarm in one of the U.S. Capitol office buildings when the chamber was in session. The New York congressman Thursday, Dec. 7, became the third Democrat in the House to be admonished this year through the process. (AP Photo/John Minchillo, File)

A congressional race in a suburban New York district is one of the most important in 2024 and another sign of the death and continued unraveling of the United States.

Black lawmaker Jamaal Bowman was pushed out of office by millions of dollars the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, AIPAC, spent to get rid of him.

The progressive Democrat was buried under an avalanche of cash in his 16th Congressional District, described as heavily Jewish and covering much of Westchester, N.Y.

Mr. Bowman, who was the primary election incumbent, won the South Bronx part of his district. He could not overcome million dollar AIPAC meddling. AIPAC targeted him after he dared challenge Gaza genocide and call for a ceasefire in the bloody Israeli military campaign waged since an Oct. 7 attack by Hamas on the occupying regime.


“Last night’s defeat of Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-N.Y.) by Westchester County Executive George Latimer in the Democratic primary was an undeniable victory by moderate Democrats who sought to retake Bowman’s seat—particularly in light of his alignment with the progressive wing of the party, and his sharp criticism of Biden’s material support for Israel’s war in Gaza,” wrote Eli Clifton, in analysis of the election outcome June 26 on

The writer argued AIPAC allegedly laundered campaign funds from “Republican megadonors into the Democratic primary,  where the spending was generally identified in media as ‘pro-Israel,’ not ‘Republican.’ ”

“By election day, Latimer-aligned groups had outspent Bowman’s backers by a margin of over seven-to-one, with UDP (United Democracy Project) leading the spending, injecting approximately $15 million to support Latimer.” Others say AIPAC spent $23 million.

That major donors were GOPers is significant. It’s not more significant than the reasons why they flooded Mr. Bowman’s district with millions of dollars. They dished out cash to protect U.S. support for Israel, which includes billions of dollars in aid and arms and to bully anyone who would object into silence.

“Not good that AIPAC can shoot a money cannon at incumbent Democrats on behalf of a foreign government and the party is basically fine with it,” tweeted Kate Aronoff, staff writer at The New Republic.

The money poured into the Bowman race was record breaking. It also made good on an AIPAC promise to spend $100 million to get rid of lawmakers who don’t show proper fealty to Israel.

And it wasn’t just money: Major White Democrats, like Hillary Clinton, backed Mr. Bowan’s White challenger. J Street, the “progressive” Jewish, self-proclaimed pro-Israel, pro-peace group, pulled its endorsement of Mr. Bowman. J Street said Mr. Bowman went too far in criticizing Israel.

While J St. and AIPAC are supposed to be on different ends of the political spectrum, they were on the same side for the political execution of a Black man.

Nina Turner, the Black outspoken political activist and organizer from Ohio, commented on “X:” “It’s strange that establishment Democrats are following AIPAC’s lead into dividing the Democratic Party ahead of the November election. Imagine if progressive groups were spending $20 million+ on taking out incumbent Democrats.”

And there was the racism. @DeanObeidallah noted on “X:” “My BIG issue with George Latimer is not that he’s right wing on Israel. We can debate issues. It’s that Latimer trafficked in bigotry by ginning up fears of Muslims and playing on ‘white anxiety’ and anti-Blackness.”

“MAGA tactics come to Dem party: George Latimer who defeated Jamal Bowman accused Bowman of taking donations ‘from Hamas’ (because) he took $ from Muslims, Claimed Bowman only cared for ‘Black and Brown people’ + said Bowman’s constituency was ‘Dearborn, Michigan.’ ” he tweeted.

Will the Congressional Black Caucus say anything? Not hardly. According to a 2023 article by The Intercept: “The CBC has been silent on the AIPAC bid to challenge at least three of its members who are part of the so-called Squad, a loose group of progressive representatives. According to media reports and The Intercept’s investigation, the only incumbents AIPAC has targeted so far in this election cycle are CBC members.”

“The AIPAC-backed members of the caucus, some 31 lawmakers, have received a previously unreported total of at least $3.6 million from AIPAC since February 2022, according to Federal Election Commission records,” The Intercept reported.

The Intercept also noted, “Since 2022, the CBC’s top AIPAC recipients include Rep. Glenn Ivey, D-Md., who has taken $756,000 from the group; House Democratic Caucus Leader Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., who has taken $485,300; Rep. Valerie Foushee, D-N.C., who has taken $456,800; Rep.

Ritchie Torres, D-N.Y., who has taken $459,900; and Rep. Shontel Brown, D-Ohio, who has taken $349,600. Jeffries, who has led congressional efforts to protect incumbents against primary challengers, is a close ally of AIPAC, as are CBC leader Rep. Steven Horsford, D-Nev., and CBC PAC leader Rep. Gregory Meeks. CBC members have regularly led and attended AIPAC’s annual trips to Israel, conferences, and other events.”

Ilhan Omar, another AIPAC target, used a post-Bowman defeat to appeal for support for Cori Bush, a progressive Black congresswoman and Squad member from Missouri. Rep. Omar (D-Minn.) said, “AIPAC has already spent $2 million supporting Cori’s anti-ceasefire opponent, and the group will spend many millions more over the next month before Cori’s August 6th primary election in Missouri.”

Mr. Bowman was subjected to the “Farrakhan litmus test” designed to force Blacks to distance themselves from Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan.

Mr. Bowman came under fire for defending a Black Lives Matter mural that included the depiction of Minister Farrakhan in 2023. The New York Daily News brought up his comments a year later. Jewish groups and leaders attacked.

“The mural, located in Greenburgh, a town in Westchester County, New York, depicts several other Black leaders, including local leaders and national figures such as Malcolm X and Muhammad Ali.

In his past remarks, Rep. Bowman acknowledged that while the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan has said many things he disagrees with, ‘he is a part of Black history,’”  reported The Final Call several months ago.

“That’s a fact. And if the Greenburgh community—particularly that section of Greenburgh—supports the mural, then the mural should be there as is,” Mr. Bowman said.

“Congressman Bowman feels that they shouldn’t be able to tell the Black community who they have as their heroes on their wall,” said A.J. Woodson of Black Westchester, an online magazine, radio show, and newspaper.

If you’re just not pro-Jewish, you’re anti-Semitic. If you’re not pro-Israel, you’re anti-Semitic. If you’re calling for a ceasefire, you’re anti-Semitic.

AIPAC promotion of Israel’s interests looks more like actions of a foreign agent than a U.S. political group. And AIPAC is clearly a threat to U.S. “democracy.” Is anyone strong enough to do anything about it?