by Alverda Ann Muhammad

DETROIT—What a wonderful day! May 11 was a day of celebration, honoring the 91st birth anniversary of our beloved Minister Louis Farrakhan. The day began with a unity prayer service broadcast from Chicago. It continued with a Day of Service with believers from the Nation of Islam feeding many poor people nationwide.

At the end of that special day in Detroit, Muhammad Mosque No. 1 held a black-tie event at the Rivera Theatre in Farmington, Michigan, to view the monumental must-see documentary, “Answered: The Coming of God.” Farmington is a suburb of Detroit.

This film masterfully connects and correlates the scriptures of the Holy Qur’an and Bible concerning The Wheel and the Coming of God in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, with the testimonies of United States government officials, military and religious leaders, to show and prove the reality of “The Wheel” and the “baby” planes attached to it.


These objects are commonly referred to as Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) or Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs) but are not “unidentified” but are the calling card of Master Fard Muhammad, Almighty God in Person.

This Wheel, its origin and purpose were taught about by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad as God taught Him dating back to the 1930s.

From left, Sister Alverda Ann Muhammad, Student Minister Ilia Rashad Muhammad and Sister Zora Muhammad at the Rivera Theatre in Farmington, Michigan, for the viewing of the documentary, “Answered: The Coming of God.” Photo courtesy of Alverda Ann Muhammad

This Nation Brothers Film presented by Student Minister Ilia Rashad Muhammad, in association with ALIF LAM RA 2024, definitely lives up to the promise: “Answered.” Brother Ilia Rashad is a member of the Nation of Islam Research Team and also the author of “UFOs and the Nation of Islam.”

Hearing and understanding the “answers” presented in the documentary was a common thread for those who viewed the film.

Brother Cornelius X said, after viewing the film, that “the world should by now admit that Master Fard Muhammad is God, the Lord of the Worlds.”

Brother Kevin Muhammad had this to say: “One thing that was confirmed to me is that the enemy admits that he cannot identify the Wheel by saying that it is unidentified.” He said that the irony is that the enemy won’t listen to those who can identify the origin and purpose of the Wheel.

Sister Kimberly X said she thought the film was well put together. “I loved how you could clearly see how the Wheel represents the Coming of God,” she said.

Sister Elisha Little excitedly shared that the entire film was profound. “It opened up my eyes to the point of where as a young child in the church, you learn certain things but you can’t pinpoint what is wrong. But after watching the film, it opened my eyes up to the reality of what the Bible is really talking about—more substance. Before there was always a gap,” she said.

Sister Breeon Jackson came to the theatre to view the documentary with her aunt, Sister Maaria Muhammad, Student Protocol Director at Mosque No. 1. “I would like to start by noting how the film speaks to the legitimacy of the Teachings and what we stand for as a whole within the Nation of Islam,” she said.

“I was deeply touched by the images in the film of our people taken in the 1930s when Master Fard Muhammad came to America, seeing our people in torment. With the music [and] soundtrack, it was an emotional roller coaster.”

Sister Alverda Ann Muhammad is a Nation of Islam pioneer and served as an M.G.T. and G.C.C. Student Captain, which means she was responsible for the teaching and training of Muslim women. She is the widow of Final Call senior editor Brother Askia Muhammad.