Cuba map Photo: MGN Online

The 5th International Convention and Exposition of Cuban Industry (Cubaindustria 2024) will promote the strengthening of technological partnerships between domestic and foreign industries, the promotion of exportable items and the consolidation of national productions.

To that end, it will promote effective productive linkages among all the economic actors that make up the Cuban industrial network, to meet the needs of the strategic sectors and the population, so that what can be produced in Cuba will not be imported.

Recently, Ernesto Cedeño Rodríguez, deputy minister of the sector, stressed that Cuban industry is marked by the national and international economic crisis, together with the impact generated by the restrictive measures of the U.S. government on the island, which limits the country’s manufacturing development.

At Cubaindustria, solutions will be sought from national production to the needs and demands of the population, the country’s strategic sectors and exports, along the lines of the Industrial Development Policy and the long-awaited progress towards Industry 4.0.


The event, which (was) held until June 21st, (showcased) experiences, productions, as well as the export and foreign investment portfolios of each top business management organization.

—Wennys Diaz Ballaga, Granma