Brother Abdul Rauf Muhammad, second from right, stands with other awardees at the 2024 Most Distinguished Men in the State of Illinois Award ceremony on June 8. Photos courtesy of Abdul Rauf Muhammad and Facebook

CHICAGO—Nation of Islam Student National Protocol Director Abdul Rauf Muhammad is a longtime follower and student of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. Brother Rauf is a member of the Nation’s Shura Executive Council. He is also a husband, father and servant to his community.

Recently, Continuing Academic Training Children and Youth Services, Inc. and a committee of anonymous community leaders nominated 25 men for the 2024 Most Distinguished Men in the State of Illinois Award. Dr. Frankie Swoope-Bynam explained via email that the criteria for awardees are men whose “leadership” has “served as a beacon of strength and inspiration within the community.”

Brother Rauf was among the 2024 nominees and awardees. An evening ceremony was held on June 8 at the Oak Lawn Hilton Hotel and Conference Center in Oak Lawn, Illinois, to honor the awardees.

The event also raised financial support for the high school graduates planning to attend college. Fifteen students were also awarded during the ceremony. Continuing Academic Training Children and Youth is a nonprofit organization that works with and mentors youth.


Brother Rauf said he was a little hesitant at first when he found out he had been nominated and awarded. “When I was first informed, I was a little neglectful, thinking I wasn’t worthy but after giving it some thought, I reconsidered,” Brother Rauf told The Final Call.

“Were it not for the Teachings of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, I would not have been worthy to receive the award,” he continued.

Brother Rauf extended his gratitude to Minister Farrakhan; his wife, Sister Ra’afah Ali Muhammad, and laborers in the Nation of Islam for their support.

Brother Rauf wishes to continue making a positive impact in his community by following the footsteps of Minister Farrakhan.