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The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan Reveals To The Black Nation: God’s Healing Power

[Editor’s note: The following article was first published in The Final Call newspaper, Vol. 10, No. 16 on August 5, 1991, as the second installation of a special five-part series on health penned by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. This is the first excerpt from part 2 of that message.]

In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful.

Allah (God), in His Absolute, Perfect Knowledge of His Creation, has provided for us in the Earth everything we need to have a beautiful, health-filled, long and productive life. Something has interfered with that. What is that something?

Our illnesses are due directly to our rebellion against Divine Will and Law. Sickness is not natural; Health is natural. When we are sick, something is wrong with the way we think and live and with what we eat and drink.


The Honorable Elijah Muhammad has taught us that Allah (God) has always intended long life for the righteous. When you open your Bible to the book of Genesis, you read of the old patriarchs who lived 400, 500, 900 nearly 1,000 years.

You may think that it is fantasy, because you hardly know anyone that makes 100 years old. To live nearly 1,000 years is not a fantasy—the old patriarchs knew the Law of Life and they kept themselves in harmony with that Law.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said with the righteous, there is no set time to die. You die when you get ready. This does not mean we can live forever. The body is not made to live forever.

It is a wonderful House for the Spirit of Allah (God); however, the Spirit of Allah (God) is so Powerful, that this House must be kept perfectly and finely tuned in order to remain long enough for us to learn what Allah (God) wants us to learn. If we stay long enough, we obtain so much knowledge of Life that we get tired one day and decide to lay down and go away.

There is a song they sing in the church, “I Ain’t No Ways Tired”—we should not be so tired at the age of 70 or 80 we want to leave here. We have not learned enough about anything to want to die. We have not yet learned how to live. We must study how to perpetrate and keep in motion this wonderful life that Almighty God has blessed us with.

The human body has to be kept in a certain way in order to be worthy to hold the Spirit of Life. This finely tuned magnificent creation is its own hospital. We can cure this body of ills that it has if the person inside the body knows how to connect with the Powerful Being that created it and then makes up his or her mind to live in accord with the Law of Life that sustains it.

The Earth purifies itself. You can pollute water, but it will continue to run and purify itself. You can pollute the body and if you know how to cleanse it, you can save it.

The Earth has a relationship with the Sun as well as a relationship with the Family of Planets of which it is a major part in the Universe. Look at the relationship between the Earth and the Sun. The light of the Sun is what the Earth depends on for Motion and Light.

The Earth cannot move on its own. There is a Force that is moving the Earth and the Force that moves the Earth is the Power of the Light coming from the Sun.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches us that the Sun gives everything its color. That Sun up there that we take for granted is the Source of Life, Light and Energy. In its rays are billions of vitamins that we cannot get anywhere else. There are some vitamins in the Sun that we cannot get from any plant life—so to run from the Sun is to run from Life itself.

Caucasian people do not have a lot of melanin in them, therefore they cannot stay out in the Sun for any long period of time. But you are as natural to the Sun as the Sun is natural to the Universe. So you should, from time to time, bathe in the Sun. I do not mean to go get naked and behave like a fool.

I mean go in an intelligent manner and get some Sunlight. Sit out in it sometimes and let it wash you with its vitamin-filled rays. Your body, with the melanin content that it has, will literally soak up the Life-Giving Power of the Sun; its vitamins will build up your body’s resistance against the day of disease.

That Sun and the Earth—what a magnificent relationship! This Earth spins by the Power in the Light and that spinning gives us the seasons. That motion is what put Life and Energy in this Earth. When you walk on the Earth, you may think you are moving on concrete, but study it and you will realize that it is a living ball.

Look at the little blades of grass coming up through the concrete. Look at the little creatures. Go out to the park sometimes and sit on the Earth out of which you came and through which you must one day return. Feel it on your hands and feet.

Go to the sea and look at the various forms of life in the sea. We are surrounded by Life! Why is there so much sickness and death among us when Life is all around?

Beloved, when you are disconnected from the Faith in Allah (God), you are forced to rely on your own limited knowledge to sustain you in a world you really know nothing of. No wonder we are sick, diseased and covered with death.

There is no Healing outside of Allah (God). He is The Healer. Doctors do not heal; nursing does not cure. The only Healer is The Creator Himself and when you do not have a connection to The Creator, more than half of your power is gone.

Righteous people who put their trust in Allah (God) are already on the path to victory over disease; if we have Faith in Allah (God) and also know how to eat to live and how to think right, there is nothing of disease that we cannot overcome.