Former Baltimore Prosecutor Marilyn Mosby Photo: MGN Online

GREENBELT, Md.—Former Baltimore Prosecutor Marilyn Mosby known for her progressive policies and the prosecution of police officers after the death of Freddie Gray, received a sentence on May 23 of one year of home detention to be served concurrently with three years of supervised release—for mortgage fraud and perjury. In addition, Ms. Mosby was ordered to complete 100 hours of community service, according to the judgment. 

U.S. District Judge Lydia Kay Griggsby sentenced Ms. Mosby after a jury found her guilty of two counts of perjury in November. Before issuing her ruling in U.S. District Court, Judge Griggsby ordered Ms. Mosby to forfeit a condominium in Longboat Key, Fla., that she had purchased with funds from a falsified mortgage application.

The former prosecutor was convicted of lying about her finances to make early withdrawals from retirement funds during the COVID-19 pandemic, and fraudulently claiming that her own $5,000 was a gift from her then-husband as she closed on a Florida condominium.

“The court agrees these are very serious offenses and that this conduct displays a pattern of dishonesty,” Judge Griggsby told Ms. Mosby. “This dishonesty also occurred when you held the highest office for a prosecutor in the City of Baltimore.”


She also indicated that Ms. Mosby’s crimes did not involve taxpayer funds, and the idea of separating her from her two young daughters “weighed heavily” on her decision about sentencing.

Ms. Mosby faced up to five years in prison for each of the two counts. Prosecutors asked for 20 months. She also faced a maximum of 30 years for lying on the mortgage application. A jury found her guilty on a federal charge of making a false mortgage application after a separate trial in February.

From the beginning, Ms. Mosby has maintained her innocence.  Approximately a dozen people provided testimony to the judge regarding her character, emphasizing the importance of her being reunited with her family and children instead of being incarcerated.

“The conviction should only be classified as a minor white-collar crime in which many others have been convicted of and faced a sentence that amounted to a slap on the wrist,” civil rights attorney Ben Crump told the judge. “What is different here today is that underneath that white collar is the neck of a Black woman, who dares to challenge the status quo.”

He said that imprisoning Ms. Mosby for a victimless, “minor white-collar crime” would be a “grave injustice” that would “magnify the trauma of her two beautiful young daughters.” Atty. Crump said she “dared to challenge the status quo” while in office and suggested that prosecutors like her tend to be targeted for their “pursuit of equal justice.”

“The prosecution of Marilyn Mosby seems intended to send a chilling message to our progressive prosecutors,” he said.

Supporters speaking on Ms. Mosby’s behalf asked the judge to show leniency. “We need Marilyn Mosby in our community. We need her experience, her knowledge, her training,” said J. Wyndal Gordon, a criminal defense attorney, who has known Mosby for a decade.

He also explained that Ms. Mosby was prosecuted for crimes that had “no real victim” and were unrelated to her public office. “We’re here because they weren’t satisfied that they found nothing when they investigated her,” Mr. Gordon said.

Supporters filled the courtroom and overflow rooms. A bus full of people drove down from Baltimore to show their support. Ms. Mosby entered the courthouse with her head held high alongside her daughters, Aniyah and Nylyn, in matching white outfits. Her ex-husband, Nick Mosby, came later in a blue suit.

Ms. Mosby served two terms as Baltimore city’s state’s attorney.  She rose to fame in 2015 after she announced she was charging six police officers with crimes including second-degree murder, manslaughter and assault for the death of Freddie Gray, a young Black man.

His death sparked massive protests. She was just four months into her job as the youngest chief prosecutor of any major U.S. city at that time.  That moment catapulted the daughter of two police officers, and wife of an influential City Council member, into the national movement for police reform. 

She was the people’s prosecutor.  Ms. Mosby could be found in the streets, at churches, at mosques and appeared on national media programs. She was profiled in national newspapers and magazines.

However, none of the prosecutions she brought against the officers in connection with Freddie Gray’s death were successful. In early 2022, she was indicted by federal prosecutors on perjury charges and lost a primary bid for a third term months later.

“We are thankful to almighty God, Allah, that he touched the heart of the judge, that she did not send our sister to prison, but allowed her to go home where she could be with her daughters. 

However, understand that the prosecution of Marilyn Mosby is part of the ongoing historic targeting of Black leaders,” Student General Counsel for the Nation of Islam, Abdul Arif Muhammad told The Final Call. 

“Those of us who are from the city of Baltimore, we’re very proud of her ascending to the state’s attorney position and looked on with pride as we felt she did a wonderful job in her position, helping to bring a sense of justice to those in need from her department.

We also looked with pride as she stood courageously during the Freddie Gray case and decided to bring the charges she brought against the officers, whom was believed to be responsible for his death,” he continued.

“Although she did not get the results that she wanted, she had the courage to stand up against the forces, particularly of the police department.  However, she has paid a price for that because many believe that she’s being targeted by the federal government concerning these charges. The charges are retribution and punishment for her stand. 

Many felt that this was certainly political, and we hope and pray that she is able to get either the charges cleared, she is exonerated and or that she may receive a pardon from this unjust charge. We pray for her and her family and we believe she will continue to stand strong in the face of this adversity,” added Attorney Muhammad.

More than 80,000 people have signed an online petition supporting Ms. Mosby’s request for clemency.  “This is not over,” Ms. Mosby said to her supporters after the hearing. “But God was here today, and I know he’s with me. He touched the heart of this judge and has allowed me to go home to my babies.” 

Her legal team has submitted a request for a presidential pardon and plans to appeal her sentence.