[Editor’s Note: This article is a reprint and was published online on August 30, 2010; and The Final Call will continue to publish articles by our brother and friend, Minister Jabril Muhammad.]

I interviewed the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, in Phoenix, Arizona; on July 13, 2006 for the book I was on working on, titled, “Closing The Gap.” He is a very wise Muslim, who has and is going through a unique preparation to meet his teacher–the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.

This interview is a part of that book, titled, “Closing The Gap.” Gap means, “a break or hole in an object or between two objects; a difference, especially an undesirable one, between two views or situations; empty.”

Later, Allah willing, I’ll write what led to this book, when I titled it, Closing The Gap, years before the book came out and why.


A few months after this interview, the book was published.

Photo by: Brother Jabril Muhammad

Jabril Muhammad: Brother Minister I have a few questions related to the 113th and 114th Surahs of the Holy Qur’an. These Surahs deal with the same subject, with emphasis on different aspects of the same evils, which bring in the intense darkness when it comes. What I want you to do, by the help of Allah, for us is to comment on this and help us all focus on what we’re faced with properly. What I need for us is your insight; your commentary on this big subject.

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan: It is interesting to note that the Holy Qur’an closes with these two chapters of refuge, because, it is what is in these two chapters, that tries the mind, heart, spirit and soul of a Believer. If the Believer does what these two chapters tell us to do, we can get through the darkness into the brightness of a new day, which really is the Hereafter. I seek refuge in the Lord of the dawn.

Well, if we’re going through a period of intense darkness, this chapter is telling us that the darkness is not permanent. After intense darkness, comes the dawn of a new day.

So we are exhorted to seek refuge in Him, Who is the light of that dawn of a brand new day. Then you focus on the Lord of the dawn from the evil of what he–and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, in parenthesis said, “What Yakub created.”

Well he created an opposing world. He created a world of sport and play; a world of rebellion against the way; the life; the law; the word of God.

In this intense darkness this rebellion goes to its limit. The idea of his world goes to the extreme in tempting the Believer to engage in those things that would make the Believer unworthy of the dawn and to perish in the darkness. I seek refuge in the Lord of the dawn from the evil of what he (Yakub) created.

What did he do? He made an opponent to God.

Yusuf Ali translation says, “I seek refuge in the Lord of the dawn from the mischief of created things.” Well this that Yakub, the father of this world made, was a mischief-maker. In the closing days, hours, of his rule, he makes extreme mischief with created things.

Well what are the created things that he makes mischief with? He poisons the water. He poisons the air. He poisons the earth. He takes the natural inclination; the sexual drive in the human for reproduction and he twists it into a grotesque manifestation of filth and debauchery.

He takes the atom, which is a created thing, and he makes mischief with it. He takes chemistry–which is a created thing–he makes mischief with it.

So in essence, all of us–the Believer and the non-Believer–have to pass through this terrible darkness. The only way out is to seek refuge in Him, Who is the Lord of the dawn, the Master of that new day; that new life; that new word; that new law that is eternal.

“I seek refuge in the Lord of the dawn from the evil of what Yakub made from the intense darkness when it comes.”

We are entering a very dark hour where all of this evil and mischief, that the enemy has scientifically produced, reaches its apex. It creates a period of intense darkness–a darkness that will not allow any one in it to see past it, unless our hope is in the Lord of the dawn.

That Lord has given the Believer light. That light is that which we must cling to, in that hour of darkness, and the hope in the Lord of the Dawn that will get us through this darkness.

“I seek refuge in the Lord of the dawn from him who cast evil suggestions in firm resolutions.”

Closing The Gap by Jabril Muhammad
Inner Views of the Heart, Mind & Sprit of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan Click here to Order

The enemy will make evil look so appealing; so tempting that the suggestion of evil will be a great trial, particularly for the Believer.

For the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said, “That the last great test of the Believer, that he has to go through, to get to the other side, is the fire of temptation.”

Well what will the enemy tempt us with? He will tempt us with the things that we desire, or the things that we want. He’s well able to offer it with, of course, strings attached.

But if our hope is in the Lord of the dawn then we will pass up the evil suggestion that comes in a firm resolve and the evil of the envier when he envies.

Well there’s a lot of envy in the world. But the greatest envy is the envy of the enemy of God who sees a people that he has trodden under foot supplanting his rule.

So envy is the mother of hatred. Hatred is the mother of murder. It is the murder of the righteous, out of the envy of the wicked for the great position that God is giving to the righteous.

Those of us who know what that position is, and are trying to qualify to be a part of what God makes new, must be able to get through the hatred; the murder and really, the overshadowing of death.

“I seek refuge in the Lord of the dawn from the evil of the envier when he envies.”

More next issue, Allah willing.