“ANSWERED Part 2—The Coming Of God” premiered in three sold-out theaters at the Pollack Cinemas in Tempe, Arizona on January 20.

PHOENIX—In a spectacular event that combined glamour with spiritual significance, over 600 members of the Nation of Islam (N.O.I.), their families, friends, and guests attended the white carpet premiere of the documentary “ANSWERED Part 2—The Coming Of God” in three sold-out theaters at the Pollack Cinemas in Tempe, Arizona, on January 20.

Produced by Student Minister Ilia Rashad Muhammad, author of “UFOs And The Nation of Islam (N.O.I.),” this educational documentary further illustrates the true source behind this global phenomenon by providing scriptural, prophetic, historical, and factual evidence to show the true purpose and intent behind these crafts, known as UFOs or UAP (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena).

Attendees of all ages traveled across the country for the unprecedented event. Special guests included pioneers of the Nation of Islam from Muhammad Mosque No. 32 in Phoenix and the community.

Brother Joshua Leonard Muhammad of Atlanta live-streamed a special Peoples’ Podcast Q&A on the white carpet. Photographers Maryam and Yusef Muhammad of “MY Photography” captured the joy and excitement of guests on the carpet and throughout the event. Immediately following the documentary, Mosque No. 32 Student Minister Abdul Halim Muhammad and Student Protocol Director Hilario Muhammad conducted an audience Q&A with Student Min. Ilia Rashad Muhammad.


“I’m still basking in the majesty of what was expressed the weekend of the film screening in Phoenix. The outpour of people who came, viewed, and were inspired by the documentary indicates to me that it’s time for the world to know the truth about UFOs and the truth about The God behind these objects,” he stated.

Student Minister Ilia Rashad Muhammad, author and producer of the “ANSWERED” documentary, on left, and Student Minister Abdul Halim Muhammad of Mosque No. 32 in Phoenix.

“We’ve received nothing but glowing reviews from all who’ve watched it thus far. For those who were already familiar with the Nation of Islam’s position on this topic, it strengthened and further clarified what was already believed. As for those unfamiliar with the N.O.I., it filled the missing void by answering the truth about these crafts, and the truth of God’s Promise,” he continued.

The first installment of the “ANSWERED” series, subtitled “The Prelude,” gave a cursory introduction to the film series that provides answers to the global phenomena of UFOs. This caught the attention of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, who praised this work and described it as a major vindication of the Nation of Islam, noted Student Min. Ilia Rashad Muhammad, who is also a member of the NOI Research Group.

He said that with this documentary the message of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan proves yet again that the secret about UFOs is officially out and “answered.”

Student Protocol Director Hilario Muhammad, on left, and Brother Joshua Leonard Muhammad, host of The People’s Podcast, share a laugh.

Student Min. Ilia Rashad Muhammad shared that it took him approximately eight months to complete the documentary, and he thinks anyone who watches the series would be intelligently bound to look more into the N.O.I.’s position on this most important topic.

“There’s really no way we can watch what’s being presented and still remain in ignorance as to who and what the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Minister Farrakhan represent. I’m convinced that after watching this documentary, you can’t look at religion, politics, or education the same again. It’s just that enlightening,” he stated.

According to Ilia Rashad Muhammad, the responses and messages he has received show that the people are anxiously anticipating the release of “ANSWERED Part 2The Coming of God.”  The documentary features the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, Minister Farrakhan and the image of The Great Mahdi and Allah in Person Master Fard Muhammad. It also features many of the N.O.I.’s national, regional, and local student laborers, as well as scholars, members of the NOI Research Group, young artists, and great legal minds. 

It features footage of The Wheel and Baby Planes and explores the history and purpose of these objects that Master Fard Muhammad taught to the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Student Min. Ilia Rashad Muhammad explained that two-three years ago when trying to get the documentary started, he and his team reached out to Student Minister Ishmael Muhammad, National Assistant to Minister Farrakhan;

Student Minister Dr. Wesley Muhammad, an author and researcher and Student Minister Ava Muhammad (May Allah be pleased). They were the first ones he asked to be interviewed for the project. Despite their arduous schedules, “they kind of surprised and excited me that their responses were so enthusiastic,” said Student Min. Ilia Rashad Muhammad.  

Blake Muhammad, 12, a Junior F.O.I. at Mosque No. 32, and Student Minister Ilia Rashad Muhammad at white carpet premiere of “ANSWERED Part 2—The Coming of God” in Tempe, Arizona. Photo: Charlene Muhammad

An evening of elegance and enlightenment

“I’m awed,” Student Minister Abdul Halim Muhammad told The Final Call at the white carpet premiere. “I’m awed at the response of the people. It’s a wonderful opportunity that we can tell our story, so we don’t have an enemy telling our story … but we’re telling ours, and so one of the most fundamental aspects of our Teachings is the reality of The Wheel, and to have this, I’m humbled, I’m awed, just to be a part of this.” 

He shared that he has been in the N.O.I. for over 40 years, but he tried to view the documentary from the lens of one who may be new to it.

“There were moments as I’m watching this, tears are coming down my eyes,” he stated. Some of the most poignant moments for him were watching the images of Black people in bondage, being lynched, burned, and no one coming to their aid, he shared.

During his message at the mosque on Jan. 21, Student Min. Abdul Halim Muhammad thanked the student laborers of Mosque No. 32 and the believers for helping to create a magical moment, which included in addition to the white carpet premiere, a special presentation at the mosque on Jan. 21 by Student Min. Ilia Rashad Muhammad, and a book/poster signing immediately afterward.

“They were relentless, they were tired, exhausted, but they put their own personal desires aside to make sure that what we tried to do for you, on our behalf, that you would be proud of,” stated Student Minister Abdul Halim Muhammad. “No matter how hard the laborers worked, it would have meant nothing had it not been the response of the believers of Muhammad Mosque No. 32. I thank you believers,” he added.

Those who viewed the documentary were greatly impacted.

“Being that I am a person that loves to know the spiritual things of God and seek answers, I am excited to see the revelations I’m going to get from this,” said one young guest who identified herself as Nikki.

Amir Ahmed also found the documentary very impactful. Though not a registered member of the N.O.I., he grew up in New York City around believers, and studies Islam, he told The Final Call. Before the premiere, Brother Amir said he was not familiar with The Wheel.

Right, Rashida Muhammad and daughter Samia of Muhammad Mosque No. 75 in Las Vegas, attended the Arizona premiere.

“I’ve got some homework to do,” he said. Though Brother Amir said he was aware of Master Fard Muhammad, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Minister Farrakhan, “but a lot of the things about The Wheel, about Ezekiel, that’s new for me and I’ve got to do some homework,” added Brother Amir, referring to Ezekiel’s vision of The Wheel and God written about in the Bible.

Sister Edith Muhammad is a long-time educator and attends Mosque No. 32. She thought the documentary was done very well. “The part that really just sent chills through me was when they showed the documentation when Master Fard Muhammad was questioned as to who He was, and He said, ‘I am the Supreme Being!’ I’m like, alright! Alright,” she said enthusiastically.

She also enjoyed the beautiful photographs of the believers and the history shared on the way they sacrificed and stood up in the early establishment of Islam. From the film, one could tell that God had touched Black people, she said. 

“We aren’t as torn down as we were. Stand up! They knew a new man was on the scene,” continued Sister Edith Muhammad. “It’s a very humbling reality to say that they thought enough of Phoenix to do the premiere here. It’s very humbling. I think everyone will be very pleased by the documentary,” she concluded.

“I was very, very impressed and I enjoyed it tremendously because I learned a lot, even though I worked for the Messenger of Allah, and He did occasionally say some things. But to have something two hours and 10 minutes, featuring The Wheel, The Mothership, was so outstanding.  I loved every moment of it, and I was back there bearing witness and applauding,” stated Sister Betty Muhammad, who was a secretary for the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and now for Minister Farrakhan. 

The fact that the United States government does not want the N.O.I. to reveal all this information was prominent in her mind as she watched the ANSWERED documentary on the big screen.  “But they’re getting closer and closer, I understand, to the truth: that the Nation of Islam has always known this, since the 1930s,” she said.  

“My family and I drove from Las Vegas to Arizona just to witness this historical event for the premiere of ‘ANSWERED Part 2’ and all I have to say is that watching this documentary and listening to all the facts and seeing how others are actually bearing witness to the Teachings of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, I literally had wells of tears in my eyes, just the thought of it and knowing that the God that we serve is indeed the true and living God,” stated Sister Rashida Muhammad.

“This documentary is a true representation of everything that the Nation has given us which is true wisdom and guidance. I’m glad we took this drive to be able to be one of the many to be able to witness this beautiful documentary firsthand. And our Brother Ilia Rashad has such a wonderful spirit. I thank Allah for him being an example of what love and perseverance look like,” she added.

The audience at Pollack Cinemas anticipates watching the documentary. Photos: My Photography

A vindication

“I saw this documentary as a vindication of the Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. It confirmed what we as followers believed and our position in this world as truth-tellers,” stated Brother Sylvester Muhammad of  Mosque No. 32. His wife, Sister Hope, added, “The opportunity to be among the believers for this blessed premiere was actually an honor that left me with a renewed sense of pride. We witnessed what we believe and have been taught since the early 1930s in its full glory on the big screen!”

Brother Blake Muhammad, 12, donned a white jacket complemented by a black button-down shirt, black slacks, and a crystal lapel pin for the premiere. “I think that it will finally reveal the truth about IFOs— Identified Flying Objects,” he told The Final Call.

Brother Blake was also interviewed by The Peoples’ Podcast. The reaction of the podcast’s livestream audience tuning in to the white carpet premiere virtually was very impactful, said podcast host, Brother Joshua Leonard Muhammad.

There were also positive reactions and curiosity from theater staff and people at the theater who were there to see other movies, he said. “This is big. This is vindicationof what we believe,” he said.  

Brother Joshua kept the world audience abreast during his highly anticipated podcast at the premiere. He told The Final Call about two guests who shared their own experiences with The Wheel. “They were looking so intense! They were like, ‘this is confirmation. I know this is real,’” he stated. 

“I thank Allah (God) deeply for allowing Muhammad Mosque 32 to be used as a vessel to premiere this critically important documentary. The fact that we had to acquire three theaters just to accommodate the demand to see this film when we originally only planned for one is still hard to believe. We sold over 630 tickets with people still asking for more,” stated Student Protocol Director Hilario Muhammad.

Audience members intently watch the documentary. Photos: My Photography

“I am very grateful to the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan for his permission to bring this showing to Phoenix. I am thankful for the vision and effort of Student Minister Abdul Halim Muhammad, who saw this showing as a way to strengthen the faith of the believers and expand our base of support,” stated Student M.G.T. and G.C.C. Captain Zanitra Muhammad. 

She said she certainly agrees with Student Minister Halim in that after viewing this documentary, her faith is strengthened. “I saw the M.G.T. leave the showing happy and strengthened by this beautiful reminder of just how loved we are by God and the power that backs us. Brother Student Minister Ilia Rashad Muhammad skillfully hurled truth at falsehood and demolished doubt and suspicion by providing clear evidence of how and why God came. This is an excellent tool to reach our people. The tickets went quickly to the believers and community. This is a testament that our people are looking for answers,” she added.

“It was an honor and a pleasure to help work to get this documentary out to the people who really needed to know that God is with us and to know that He is a Man. There were so many beautiful people who came and saw. I know some of them are still thinking about what was shared,” stated Student Secretary Michaele Muhammad.

“The white carpet experience was awesome—so many beautiful faces. I also got to spend time with sisters and brothers I had not seen in a long time. For people who ever wondered about God and The Wheels, their wonders were answered,” she added.

For more information about the documentary visit, www.nationbrothers.com