“What Does Allah, The Great Mahdi And The Great Messiah Have To Say About The War In The Middle East?”

Saviours’ Day is an annual Nation of Islam commemoration of the birth of Master Fard Muhammad, the Great Mahdi of the Muslims and the Messiah of the Christians, who appeared in North America on July 4, 1930, and declared that the 400 years of bondage Blacks served in America had ended.

Master Fard Muhammad was born February 26, 1877, in the Holy City of Mecca. He raised and taught the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, who dedicated over 40 years of his life to the resurrection of the mentally, morally, spiritually and economically dead so-called American Negro. Each year the Honorable Elijah Muhammad would convene Saviours’ Day and deliver a major address and expound on the divine wisdom given to him by Master Fard Muhammad.

After the 1975 departure of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, in September of 1977, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan made the decision to rebuild the work of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and reestablish the Nation of Islam.


The 2024 Saviours’ Day convention is February 23 – 25 at the Huntington Center Detroit, located at 1 Washington Boulevard. The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan’s keynote message, “What Does The Great Mahdi And The Great Messiah Have To Say About The War In The Middle East?” will be delivered on Sunday, February 25.

Visit noi.org/sd2024/ for keynote address tickets and for updated information as it becomes available.