Have you ever been unjust to yourself? Do you take time to judge or determine what is best for your life? This article was inspired by a recent Blog Talk Show entitled: “A Time For Justice.” The show is hosted by Sister Attorney Pamela Muhammad and Sister Judge Nichelle Muhammad, and is a program under the Elevated Places Network founded by Student Minister Dr. Ava Muhammad (May Allah Be Pleased).

When I was asked by Sister Attorney Tiffany Muhammad to be on the show with her, I wasn’t sure what I could offer since I was not an attorney. As a fitness professional and educator, I told her I could offer the listening audience information on the importance of providing “justice to ourselves.” This ended up being the theme of the show.

In our morning prayers we are encouraged to acknowledge any injustice to ourselves by saying, “… I have been unjust to myself and I confess my faults so grant me protection against all my faults, for none grants protection against faults but Thee, and guide me to the best of morals, for none guides to the best of them but Thee, and turns aways from me the evil morals but Thee.” (“Message to the Blackman in America,” page 146).

What will happen if we do not provide justice to ourselves? What happens if we do not confess our faults and atone to ourselves and Allah (God)? We invite our own destruction. Also on page 146 of “Message to the Blackman in America,” it states, “prayer is something that we must and are compelled to do if we expect guidance and mercy from Allah.”


If we want to strengthen our spiritual health and connection to our Creator, we must discipline ourselves to pray. The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan said that the best discipline is self-imposed discipline when we do what we say we are going to do whether we feel like it or not.

In an article entitled, “Ramadan: Fasting Strengthens Discipline,” Minister Farrakhan said, “The greatest of all disciplines is that which we impose on ourselves.” He goes on to say, “Self-discipline leads to the restraining of those passions in our own being that can be used by Satan for the destruction of ourselves and things around us. Self-imposed discipline leads to a healthy society, one where the people truly can rule.”

In that same article, he also discussed the first law of the universe. The Minister said, “The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us that the first law of the Universe is motion. After something is put into motion, the second law is order. That which is in motion must come under order. This order presupposes discipline. And when there is no discipline, there is no order—whatever motion we have will be brought to an end.”

How could we apply this principle to our health? In other words, if we do not discipline ourselves to pray, eat healthy foods, and exercise, we are in danger of bringing our lives to an end. The current state of health for a number of people bear witness to this law.

The Minister said, “The lack of discipline, therefore, is not only the death of the individual; it also is the death of the family and the death of the society. … Excessive eating leads to obesity which brings with it a myriad of other diseases culminating in heart failure, stroke, stress, etc.” (“Ramadan: Fasting Strengthens Discipline,” The Final Call, May 16, 1988).

There are a number of ways we can instill discipline in ourselves and our children. Prayer is one way we teach children to be still and focused. What are some other ways to instill discipline? Allah willing, we will discuss more in a future article.

May Allah (God) bless us all with peace, health, wealth, love, and happiness.

Dr. Audrey Muhammad is an educator, aerobics instructor, and author of “Get Fit to Live: Be Your Best You!” Contact her at [email protected]. Please consult a physician before beginning any new exercise or dietary program.