Student Minister Abel Muhammad helps Brother Raja to ship pies for the fundraiser. Photo: Rabiya Muhammad

by West Muhammad

This past fall, Asiatic Minds Online School held a successful Supreme Bean Pie fundraiser for their school. The Supreme Bean Pie is a staple of the Nation of Islam and the pies are baked and shipped from N.O.I. headquarters in Chicago.

Sister Sherrie Muhammad is the founder and director of Asiatic Minds Online School. The school teaches elementary through high school students and helps them learn more about the Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. The fundraiser was initiated by Sister Sherrie and efforts raised money for Asiatic Minds Online school and Muhammad University of Islam-Chicago.

Sister Sherrie explained that in collaboration with Sister Carmen Muhammad, co-chair of the fundraiser and a graduate of Muhammad University of Islam, both schools fundraised and supported Black-owned shipping companies in the process.


When asked about the purpose of Asiatic Minds, Sister Sherrie stated that it is an online platform school that can reach students throughout the United States. She also emphasized the importance of supporting MUI as that is the Nation of Islam’s flagship school.

Sister Sherrie Muhammad receives pies in Kentucky. Photo courtesy of Sherrie Muhammad

Through the fundraiser, participants were able to support Black-owned businesses, circulate money within the Black community more than once, and support Black-owned shipping companies.

The fundraiser sold over 500 bean pies to customers in over 15 states, such as Kentucky, California, Minnesota, and Ohio. Prizes were awarded to students Brother Raja Muhammad, Sister Rabiya Muhammad, and Brother Kingston Gregory, who sold the most pies.

Brother Raja Muhammad, an eight-year-old third grader from Chicago, Illinois, and Brother Amar’e Campos, a 10-year-old 5th grader from Fontana, California, both enjoyed the fundraiser—especially the pies.

When asked what he enjoyed the most about the fundraiser, Brother Raja said, “I like to eat bean pie. I won 1st prize and a gift card. I also love having bean pie to myself.”

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Brother West Muhammad is a Jr. F.O.I. from Baltimore and is a co-host on the weekly podcast WHID-FM, “What Has Islam Done For Me?” Sister Rabiya Muhammad is a Jr. M.G.T. from Chicago. Both are students at Asiatic Minds Online School.