M.G.T. of Atlanta and College Park, Ga. attended the Atlanta Women’s Expo at the Georgia World Congress Center on Saturday, Nov. 11.

ATLANTA—All eyes were on the M.G.T. and G.C.C. (Muslim Girls’ Training and General Civilization Class) of Atlanta and College Park, Ga., as they attended the Atlanta Women’s Expo at the Georgia World Congress Center on Nov. 11. The Muslim women of the Nation of Islam supported their fellow sisters in the community, as Black women from all walks of life vended their products and services.

Dressed in the style of garment given to them by Allah in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, the M.G.T. were met with great energy and enthusiasm. Student Southern Regional M.G.T. Captain Nusaybah Muhammad led the sisters in this effort. Five first-time guests attended the Sunday mosque meeting on the following day.

“The sister that stopped me, we visited her booth. She stopped me and asked where we are from, and I shared with her that we’re from the Nation of Islam. And she took a step back and she had her hand on her heart and she said, ‘I knew y’all were from something powerful,’” Angel Muhammad recounted to The Final Call. “I was like, ‘Oh wow, thank you so much.’ She said, ‘I feel the power.’”

Sisters supporting sisters at the Atlanta Women’s Expo. Photos: Anisah Muhammad