Believers, visitors and guests at Muhammad Mosque No. 5 in\ Cincinnati view Holy Day of Atonement message delivered by Student Minister Ishmael Muhammad via webcast on Oct. 15. Photo: Elsie Muhammad

by Elsie Muhammad

CINCINNATI—The F.O.I. and the M.G.T. of Muhammad Mosque No. 5 in Cincinnati, Ohio, worked together to bring guests from many areas of the city to hear a special address on October 15. As soon as the doors were open, guests arrived awaiting to hear the keynote address delivered by the National Assistant of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, Student Minister Ishmael Muhammad. It was standing room only.

“Atonement and The Great War” was the subject of a commemoration of that day 28 years ago, when nearly two million Black men gathered in Washington, D.C., at the call of Minister Farrakhan. Many people around the world have heard of that historic gathering called the “Million Man March.”

But what lies within that historical gathering is the everyday need for our families and communities to implement the March’s theme of atonement, reconciliation and responsibility. Student Minister Ishmael Muhammad shared in the keynote address, that “We are no longer in the time period of Satan. Welcome to the time period of God! God’s Justice! …” Such an announcement captivated the attention of many of the listeners in the audience in Cincinnati who rarely left their seats during the address.


“Atonement. At one with God and to be of one accord,” stated Student Minister Ishmael Muhammad, expressing the need for Black people and humanity to submit to God. For those who may have forgotten or never heard of them, the Eight Steps of Atonement process was shared, and a reminder was given that “atonement is healing.” Based on the condition of many families and communities, “atonement” should be studied and practiced each day in our lives.

The scripture from the prophet Jeremiah was raised which states, “Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? Why then is there no healing for the wounds of my people?”

Student Minister Ishmael went on to share that that balm is the Teachings of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad under the leadership of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. The balm that leads to healing is here. The believers of Cincinnati, Ohio, went to work to let the community know there is a balm readily available for all.

After the much-needed address, many guests and visitors remained to experience a wonderful offering. The M.G.T. and G.C.C. of Muhammad Mosque No. 5 wanted the people to not only enjoy the spiritual food from the word that was delivered but to also enjoy good food for their physical life. A very diverse offering of Muslim cuisine was made available for their enjoyment. The message delivered by Student Minister Ishmael Muhammad can continue to be viewed and fed on at