[Section Editor’s note: The following article contains excerpts from an hour-long message delivered by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan as Part 37 of his 58-week Lecture Series “The Time and What Must Be Done.” This message originally aired on Saturday, September 21, 2013. To order this message in its entirety on MP3, DVD and CD, visit store.finalcall.com, or call 1.866.602.1230, ext. 200.]

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful 

I spoke previously about the policy of our government to depopulate the Third World by putting sterilants in the water and in staple foods, as well as other methodologies. This “depopulation” is driven by policy which concerns the national interests of America for the raw materials of Third World nations: the land, the water, as well as minerals, gold, silver, uranium, and oil.

We previously spoke of Dr. Henry Kissinger’s National Security Study Memorandum 200, which stated this policy of depopulation that was accepted under President Gerald Ford, and was reintroduced again under President Jimmy Carter. And unfortunately, it’s still policy today toward the Third World.


We also mentioned that this depopulation policy was being implemented not only in the United States of America today through abortions and toxic poisons being added to our water supply, but it is also being introduced to developed nations of the West as well. What is “policy”? According to the dictionary, “policy” is a noun which is defined as: 1.) a definite course of action adopted for the sake of expediency, facility; 2.) a course of action adopted and pursued by a government, ruler or political party; and 3.) it is an action or procedure conforming to or considered with reference to prudence or expediency.

“Policy” is, as a definite course or method of action, selected from among alternatives and in light of given conditions to guide and determine present and future actions. Generally speaking, this means that any decision made by a government on how to act is considered to be “government policy.”
We then can understand that this “depopulation memorandum” that Dr. Kissinger introduced became the policy of our government; and unfortunately, is the policy of our government as this broadcast is being seen. It is policy with: 

  • The United States Department of Agriculture
  • The United States Department of Defense 
  • The “CIA” (Central Intelligence Agency)
  • The State Department and 
  • The United States Agency for International
  • Development (“USAID”)

In terms of how this wicked policy of depopulation has affected Africa and the Third World: During my last visit to Zimbabwe, in southeastern Africa, we learned how the AIDS pandemic was killing 5,000 Zimbabweans a week—20,000 a month. And the biggest industry at the time in the capital city of Harare was the making of coffins.

And although it was the Blacks who were dying of AIDS, I asked about the White population—were they dying of AIDS; and the answer was, “No, they were not.” I went to a luncheon sponsored by the Zimbabwean Department of Health, and a wonderful female doctor who was the Minister of Health was so proud to announce that every child in Zimbabwe was vaccinated with vaccines that had come from America and Europe.

I grieved over the widespread death due to the poisons, not unintentionally put in vaccines, but intentionally put in vaccines to limit the population of Black people in those countries and places in the world where America’s needs for their vital minerals and resources were deemed necessary—in her mind—for her national interests; to keep America in the world as the “No. 1 superpower.” 

Killing off tens of hundreds of thousands of people in Third World nations, because those nations trust the scholars and scientists of the Western world, White people, who claim to want to “help” them. While there are many White people who are sincere, they are the “fronts” that are used to open the door for the insincere Satanic Mind to enter, to practice evil under a claimed “noble motive.” 

So the Enemy has not changed from the beginning of his creation, “killing the darker, saving the lighter.” And, that nature has not changed from the time of General Jeffrey Amherst in 1763, who put smallpox in blankets, and came to the Indians claiming that these blankets would “help comfort them through the winter”—using biological weapons against the Native people.

And the fact that we were injected with the most virulent form of syphilis during the “Tuskegee Experiments” from 1932-1972 (40 years); allowing us to cohabit with others, to spread the disease. And all we got when it was discovered was an “apology,” and some meager, very meager, compensation. Also, millions of Americans were given polio shots starting in the 1950s and 1960s; and now, flu shots. And we don’t know what contagions or toxins are in the vial, or serum, that we are being injected with.

I went to Libya and spoke with Brother Leader, Muammar Gadhafi , and we advised him about setting up in Libya a pharmaceutical enterprise that would make medicines and vaccines for Africa and the Third World. … Cuba has some of the cleanest vaccines to be found in the world! But the embargo on Cuba disallows her to produce what she would desire to produce for the health and well-being of the peoples of the world.

This is why Gadhafi , in the mind of Europe and America, had to be destroyed—because he agreed to do this; and then, opened a $500 million hospital in Tripoli. I was present at the opening of that hospital, and next to that hospital was a team of scientists that were developing medicines and vaccines.

Vaccine policies, AIDS pandemic: Plans for ‘chemical and biological warfare’ outlined in Congressional hearings 

In 1998, a Palestinian medical intern, along with five Bulgarian nurses, was found guilty by a Libyan court of intentionally infecting some 400 Libyan children with HIV in a Benghazi, Libya hospital. The case was remanded, and a second trial also ended in a guilty conviction. The six were incarcerated from 1998 until the Supreme Court of the Libyan government upheld the death sentence conviction in July of 2007.

The United States and the European Union had been constantly petitioning the Libyan government for their release, despite the first conviction; and even after the Court’s early July 2007 decision to uphold that conviction, an agreement was reached with the European Union that Libya would extradite these nurses to Bulgaria to serve their time in their own home country. And when they arrived, Bulgarian President Georgi Parvanov commuted their sentences, and freed the six.

It was reported in an article (“For Bulgarian nurses, freedom isn’t easy”) in The Christian Science Monitor on November 19, 2008 that although there were reports that the six were tortured for confessions, that: “ some Bulgarians still believe that the nurses are guilty,” and “Others view them as opportunistic,” referring to a reported deal to make a movie. But we see them as part of a policy of genocide. That America and this policy could be charged in the international criminal court with “genocide.” 
The biological pandemic “AIDS” has a bleak, ominous—and questionable—history, when we consider a [June 9, 1969] 

“Subcommittee of The Committee on Appropriations House of Representatives Hearing” which contained the testimony of Dr. Donald M. Mac Arthur of the Army Advanced Research Project Agency, who testified on “Chemical and Biological Warfare” as follows: “… There are two things about the biological field agent I would like to mention. One is the possibility of technical surprise.

Molecular biology is a field that is advancing very rapidly and eminent biologists believe that within a period of five to ten years, it would be possible to produce a synthetic biological agent, an agent that does not naturally exist and for which no natural immunity could have been acquired.”