Unveiling the Number 19

[Editor’s note: The following are edited excerpts from an address delivered by Mother Tynnetta Muhammad on August 6, 2006, at Muhammad Mosque No. 15 in Atlanta, Georgia; and The Final Call will continue to publish articles by our late and dear Mother Tynnetta Muhammad.]

In The Most Holy Name of Allah, The All Wise, True and Living God.

I was invited to come to this most auspicious occasion to honor the unification of the Sisterhood and Brotherhood. If we are not Brothers and Sisters identifying with our own original family, then we will not be able to survive the holocaust.

Mother Tynnetta Muhammad

The plans of the United States Government is to keep us totally unaware, to keep us dead, to remove us from unification. You can see by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan’s fast movements that he is affecting not only the leadership of countries in Africa and Asia, but also in America by joining onto the Native American community by being received at the top level of the Navajo Nation. Not only is he reaching out for unification of the Black and Red, but he is also reaching South of the border to Mexico.


We are planting the seeds of our delivery so that not only are we going to be separated, but we will no longer be looked upon as only the ex-slaves of America that came across the trans-Atlantic slave trade, because we have Brothers and Sisters who are Black and Brown and Red. That is why we were called the “Asiatic Black Man” in our Supreme Wisdom Teachings.


The Honorable Elijah Muhammad moved and demonstrated a pattern of solidation with all of our people. During the year before his departure, he went to Mexico and established a base to work with the Mexican people in person. When we recently witnessed the rising of our Latino community in America, it almost took us for a surprise, and now the American government is wrestling with immigration problems. As we make inroads to unite with other family members, it is a death knell for this government. They wanted to keep us isolated, use us as a tool and keep us illiterate to the knowledge of who we are.

Master Fard Muhammad and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad gave us back that knowledge that we are not isolated, but we are universal. When that Teaching comes, they know. Who are they? The covert, snaky mentality that resides, not only in the government, but in the mind and thinking of those who believe that they are superior; that is the White mentality and that is not racist. Their record shows up to this present moment. We are still being attacked; we are still victims of police brutality, the killing of our youth, the imprisonment of our Brothers. So what did Pharaoh say in both the Bible and Holy Qur’an: They would kill the sons. They would destroy the men and save the women so they can degrade manhood and make the women fit for hell instead of the love of her family.

We must unite with our own family and recognize that we are the only folks we have to get through this challenge of coming before Pharaoh. So Minister Farrakhan is uniting and calling the tribes together so that we will not be making our move or appeal for justice alone.


Black history is taking you back to the foundation and the root of God Himself. It does not matter if you are a Christian; it does not matter what you call yourself. When you get that burning sensation inside that you are the Original People, you will transform and change your life and the way that you look at the world and its crises. We are not in that kind of crises. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said, “There will be an end to the dominant power that rules, but there is no end to the Black man.”

Don’t lose this opportunity to unite and reclaim your own. Reclaiming your own is not only your ancestors of African descent, but we are the root of all family members that reside on this planet. We are coming together by tribes and clans all over the planet. We are one people. Never think that you are an isolated people that were put on slave ships coming across the Atlantic Ocean from Africa.

The Honorable Minister Farrakhan opened up for us at the Million Man March the A-tone. He offered an atonement message, reconciliation and the acceptance of responsibility; and men stood up and made a pledge that they would take care of their families and honor and respect their wives.

We need to stand up and make that pledge again and become a family that has the dominant head of the male, but not putting down the female. We have to change this thing around. The woman is not going to walk two feet behind the man. The woman has to stand up with her man and do the work together to reclaim our families and become the great people of God that we represent.