Earlier this spring, Muhammad Mosque No. 1 in Detroit concluded Ramadan with an Eid al-Fitr celebration. As part of the celebration, which was held April 23, the youth were asked to participate in an Art and Essay Contest titled “The Mighty Armor of Allah.” Sister Atiya Muhammad, 14, a Junior Vanguard won first place in the art portion. She received a certificate and a figurine. Her sister, Eiliyah Muhammad, is 11 and on the Autism spectrum.
Sister Eiliyah came in second place and also received a certificate. Sister Eiliyah is the only special needs student in her fifth-grade general education class. She entered her grade’s art and design contest, where students had to redesign or recreate her school’s logo. As her parents, we are happy to say her design and drawings came in first place! Her graduation class will be wearing her design on their school T-shirts. All Praise is due to Allah!
—Submitted by Brother E’bony X Pugh and Sister Monique X Willis