Believers and guests received Student Minister Abdullah Muhammad. Photo: Jackie X

By William X Boyd, Student Study Group Coordinator 

The believer’s perseverance and spirit are nothing short of phenomenal! Since the easement of COVID-19 protocols, Pine Bluff, Arkansas and Homer, Louisiana requested a visit by a strong soldier, Student National Prison Reform Minister Abdullah Muhammad, to speak to the inmates in the area.

However, after arriving in the Southwest Region, all three Arkansas facilities: Cummins Unit, Varner Unit and Brinkley Unit denied entry to our beloved brother! 

Nation of Islam Student National Prison Reform Minister Abdullah Muhammad. Photo: Charles X

The weekend visit was still filled with love and strength, fortifying the believers, and included a Sunday lecture! The believers and former inmates, whose lives have been transformed by the Prison Reform Ministry of the Nation of Islam, were graced by the presence of Student Minister Abdullah Muhammad on Saturday and enjoyed a beautiful dinner with him at the Little Rock Study Group.


With conviction and congruency, Student Min. Abdullah Muhammad showed how Surah 53 (The Star) in the Holy Qur’an represents the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. He also shared how the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad told the Minister to “take the crescent off” of the uniform he designed because he “is a star without equal!” In the flag of Islam, the crescent moon represents “equality.”  Student Minister Abdullah then displayed a picture of the uniform with the star on the collar of the neck. 

Student Minister Abdullah captivated listeners as he quoted Surah 53 verse 13: “And certainly, he saw Him at another decent.” He explained, Minister Farrakhan’s 1985 “more than a vision-like experience,” where the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said to the Minister, “When you return, I will allow you to see me face to face!” Student Minister Abdullah also stated that “A little before 1974, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said, ‘The sun is setting, but it will rise again!’” 

He stated that “The Star” (Minister Farrakhan) is also setting and that he is on his way to “The One” who has been exalted among us—the Honorable Elijah Muhammad—on The Wheel. He also shared a testimony of traveling with Minister Farrakhan to various prisons to teach, where Allah protected them.

The Little Rock Study Group hosts Student Minister Abdullah for dinner. Photo: Charles X

Brothers and sisters were impacted greatly by what was shared. “Brother Abdullah spoke on the power of our obedience and submission to Allah, trusting in Allah, praying constantly, proper handling of people, becoming patient with ourselves, eating the proper foods at the proper time, the importance of rising above emotions into the thinking of God and reading the Qur’an and fasting, as well as being the warrior you think you are!’” said Sister Jackie X of the Homer Study Circle.

Brother Bakhari also of the Homer Study Circlestated, “We don’t have any more time to be playing around, we are at war! We are losing because we are not going after the young!” A longtime supporter of the Homer Study Circle, Sister Andrea stated that she enjoyed the testimony about Allah’s protection that Student Minister Abdullah shared.  “I like knowing without a doubt that He’s (God’s) real, instead of relying on belief alone!” she said.

“He really made me respect Farrakhan, the more I heard him talk about it! He just lifted my spirit and reassured me that I’m making the right decision!  I’m amped and ready to make some type of difference!” Brother Demarcus stated enthusiastically.

Sister Nada was visiting the study group for the second time and said she was touched by what Student Minister Abdullah presented. “I found myself saying, ‘If God just gets me out of this situation, Oh, I’m going to fast or I’m going to stop doing this and that!’ Minister Brother Abdullah Muhammad reminded me that’s not how doing it works. You must be committed to God/Allah at all times. Not only in the bad times. God deserves the most highest respect. Lastly, I would like to extend the utmost appreciation to the brothers and sisters for welcoming me and the superb hospitality!” 

We thank Almighty God Allah for blessing us with our brother, Abdullah Muhammad during the weekend and for his service of nearly 33 years as the Nation of Islam Student National Prison Reform Minister.