By A. Hakiym Ayil Muhammad

In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful.

The Fruit of Islam (F.O.I.) and the men the California State Prison at Lancaster were blessed to receive a visit from three esteemed guests at a banquet to commemorate the Nation of Islam’s annual Saviours’ Day.

Attending the March 6 banquet from Muhammad Mosque No. 27 in Los Angeles, California, and being wholeheartedly and enthusiastically welcomed by the capacity-filled chapel was Student Minister Abdul Malik Sayyid Muhammad, the Western Regional Representative for the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam; Western Regional Student F.O.I. Captain Halim Muhammad and Student F.O.I. Captain Billy 2X of the Antelope Valley Study Group.


The day’s events began with our customary opening prayer delivered by Brother Deshawn X, followed by a warm welcome to all attendees and guests by the assistant inmate Study Group Coordinator, Brother Sami Muhammad.

Brother Sami began his brief remarks by thanking Almighty God Allah, Who appeared in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.

Brother Sami then introduced the inmate Study Group Coordinator, Brother Ansar El Muhammad. Brother Ansar spoke on the reason for the occasion which was to commemorate the Birth of our Saviour, Master Fard Muhammad, the Great Mahdi, born February 26, 1877.

Brother Ansar also shared keen insights based on certain hadith, pertaining to the Great Mahdi, who was predicted to appear in the last days, and would be called Saviour; the Long-Awaited One; Master; Al-Qa’im, or the Establisher; Al-Hujjat, or God’s Proof.

Brother Ansar then gave a warm introduction of our guests. He shared brief details of the men and the great work each has done and continues to do on behalf of our beloved leader, teacher, and guide, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, and the Nation of Islam. Brother Ansar graciously got to the moment all the attendees had been waiting for and welcomed Student Minister Abdul Malik Sayyid Muhammad to the podium.

Student Minister Abdul Malik began his comments by expressing his joy at being able to come and share a message of hope and redemption with us from Minister Farrakhan.

He shared his history of coming up in the streets of Atlanta, and of a particularly poignant moment in his life when he made a personal choice to change his life and accept the Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. He told the men, “I didn’t fall down from heaven, I came up out of hell,” establishing instant rapport and comradery with the audience.

The message delivered by our brother was powerful and timely. He encouraged the men to go to war against the mindset of White supremacy within themselves as well as within the world.

He talked about the psychological phenomenon called Stockholm Syndrome and related how our people continue to suffer from a debilitating inclination to sympathetically identify with and make excuses for the oppression and abuse we have suffered for over 400 years.

Citing the 37th chapter of Ezekiel in the Bible, Student Minister Abdul Malik asked: “Will these bones never come back together? Can these dry bones live?” He answered with the clarifying statement that “Islam comes when all else fails.”

He expounded on Ezekiel 37:4-10 and shared that Muslims of the Nation of Islam know and understand that the Coming of Master Fard Muhammad, in July 1930, was a command to the dry bones to hear. He explained that the Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad were the breath entering the dry bones, causing them to be covered in a newly formed flesh; and the fearless continuation of that work by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan is as the four winds renewing life and vitality to the newly formed and resurrected Nation as; “an exceeding great army.”

Student Minister Abdul Malik encouraged the men gathered to personally combat and destroy the enemy of self. “If other peoples who have suffered oppression, servitude, bondage, torture, and murder may declare, ‘never again!’ then we must,” he said.

Our dear brother stated that while others attempt to turn ritual practice into Islam, Allah is a Living God who “works through men.” He further stated, that, “every physical manifestation has a mental and spiritual counterpart!” As the Original people “made in the image and likeness of God” as stated in Genesis 1:26, 27, and having Allah’s (God’s) own inspiration breathed into us, we are the perfect vessels for the manifestation of the Spirit of God. However, we must commit to, and submit to purification and preparation by denying ourselves all of the poisons we have learned to love in this wicked world, including certain foods, illicit substances, and thoughts.

In the F.O.I. we are taught that “A Fruit is the best,” and that he endeavors without fail to overcome every obstacle in his path, utilizing the greatest intelligence.

Student Minister Abdul Malik wrapped up his remarks by offering his thanks to almighty God, Allah for the opportunity to continue his work among God’s people, who are trapped in hellish conditions. He thanked the men for their energetic reception, and love, and concluded his remarks by opening up for questions.

As we closed with our customary prayer, Student Minister Abdul Malik asked us to close ranks in the packed room, and he entered the first rank, standing shoulder to shoulder, rank upon rank, to deliver a most meaningful closing prayer. All praise is due to Allah!

The F.O.I. of the inmate study group here at California State Prison, Lancaster, and all those who were blessed to be in attendance, would like to express our humblest, and sincerest thanks to the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, Student Minister Abdul Malik Sayyid Muhammad, Student F.O.I. Captain Halim Muhammad, and Student Captain Billy 2X, for gracing us with their presence, for their uplifting words, and for the spirit of love, brotherhood, and strength engendered on this occasion. We look eagerly forward to the next visit from Allah’s angelic hosts.

As-Salaam Alaikum!

From left, Muslim Chaplin Imam Mohammed, Western Regional Student F.O.I. Captain Halim Muhammad, Western Regional Student Minister Abdul Malik Sayyid Muhammad, Antelope Valley Student Study Group Coordinator Ansar Stan Muhammad and Student Captain Billy 2X outside California State Prison at Lancaster. Photo Courtsey of Ansar Stan Muhammad