During his keynote address at the Nation of Islam’s Saviours’ Day 2023 convention, titled “The War of Armageddon Has Begun,” the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan addressed his controversy with members of the Jewish community, making a clear distinction between Jews who follow the Talmud and Jews who follow the Torah.

Members of the Nation of Islam Executive Shura Council defended Minister Farrakhan’s Feb. 26 message on the following Sunday, March 5, in a presentation themed, “You Are My Witness: Post Saviours’ Day Reactions and Reflections.” A trio of powerhouse Nation of Islam Student Ministers took to the witness stand at Mosque Maryam in Chicago and presented documented evidence, confirmation, and examples from scriptures, history and current events that verified and bore witness to Minister Farrakhan’s Saviours’ Day message.
In their presentations, Student Minister Dr. Wesley Muhammad, an author, researcher and Ph.D. in Islamic Studies; Student Minister Abdul Arif Muhammad, the Nation of Islam’s General Counsel; and Student Minister Ishmael Muhammad, National Assistant to Min. Farrakhan, defended their teacher against the false and baseless claims that he is anti-Semitic.
A Messianic controversy
Student Minister Dr. Wesley Muhammad described Saviours’ Day 2023 as a “watershed moment” in the history of Black America and the world. The day marked 39 years since 1984, when Min. Farrakhan mounted the rostrum to defend Reverend Jesse Jackson, who was met with hostility, hate and vitriol from members of the Jewish community during his 1984 presidential run.
“It is now clear that Allah (God) was at the root of Reverend Jackson’s presidential campaign. Allah inspired Reverend Jackson to run, and Allah inspired Reverend Jackson to ask his brother for help, because Allah knew that His servant, Minister Farrakhan, would not deny his brother’s request.
But it was never in the divine cause for Reverend Jackson to be the first Black president,” Student Minister Dr. Wesley Muhammad argued. “Allah, rather, intended Reverend Jackson’s presidential run to launch the messianic phase of the work of the Honorable Brother Minister Farrakhan.”

He stated how that occasion fulfilled scripture concerning the “messianic controversy with the Synagogue of Satan” by bringing “Jesus,” or Minister Farrakhan, and the Jews together. As a result of that moment 39 years ago, the Minister was tagged “a new Hitler,” and he has been under attack since.
Student Minister Dr. Wesley Muhammad explained that as a modern messianic figure, the Minister’s name, “Farrakhan,” given to him by the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad is itself a modern, up-to-date name of God.
“Farrakhan was enthroned Sunday in royal garments, his suit threaded with 24-karat gold and platinum, as is only appropriate for the Messiah,” he said.
During the Saviours’ Day keynote, Minister Farrakhan outlined why the War of Armageddon has begun. Student Minister Dr. Wesley Muhammad analyzed that “it is fundamentally a war between the Nation of Islam and the Synagogue of Satan, a war that will eventually engulf the whole world and its militaries.”
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has been one of the organizations frequently waging cyber warfare against Minister Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam. Student Minister Dr. Wesley Muhammad charged those within the organization with “hiding behind the disguise of a Semite, which you are not and which your people never were.”

He described their charge against Minister Farrakhan as “false” and “inapplicable.”
“It is a fact that the original speakers of the so-called Semitic languages and carriers of the Semitic cultures were Black Arabians and Black Africans,” he stated. But he went one step further by telling the audience: “Stop going around saying that your Black identity is as the true Semite. Long before there was a Shem, you were Black!”
“Your Blackness comes from the triple darkness of space, out of which Allah emerged a long 78 trillion years ago. Your true identity isn’t Semite. Your true identity is God!” he added.
Student Minister Arif Muhammad, an attorney, opened his presentation on the birth and ministry of Jesus. He quoted scripture on Jesus being made a messenger to the Children of Israel.
“This is why these Satanic Jews are angry, because for decades now the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan has been saying we are that people; we are the true Children of Israel that God is going to raise,” he said.
He then mentioned the various plans and plots against Minister Farrakhan since the 1980s. Student Minister Arif Muhammad pointed out that the ADL, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and the Simon Wiesenthal Center have been at the forefront when it comes to spewing these baseless and false claims against Minister Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam.
“As you heard the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan say, the Synagogue of Satan is not a spook. It is men and women who are highly intelligent. They know the truth, but then they are able to deceive you in that truth so that when the man comes that is to expose them, he would be covered up,” Student Minister Arif Muhammad said.
He reminded the audience of the actions of F.B.I. director J. Edgar Hoover. In his efforts to prevent the rise of a Black Messiah, Mr. Hoover launched the counterintelligence program (COINTELPRO) in the 1960s, which targeted Black leaders and organizations, including the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the Nation of Islam.
Student Minister Arif Muhammad showcased numerous dossiers that the ADL did on Min. Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam over the course of about 12 years. Though the average page length of the dossiers was 25 pages, some had up to and over 50 pages.
“These dossiers are F.B.I.-inspired, COINTELPRO documents that the Anti-Defamation League did for the F.B.I.,” Student Minister Arif Muhammad shared.
In his Saviours’ Day message, Minister Farrakhan talked about the stranglehold that the Satanic Jews have on the U.S. government. Student Minister Arif Muhammad presented evidence to prove the Minister’s point: a letter, signed December 5, 2022, addressed to President Joe Biden signed by 125 Senators and U.S. Representatives asking for an interagency task force to combat anti-Semitism.
Within two days, the White House convened an anti-Semitism roundtable. Five days after that, the White House announced that it was establishing an interagency group whose first order of business would be to “develop a national strategy to combat anti-Semitism.”
“What are you looking at? You’re looking at Satan muscling the forces of government to try to come against the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan,” Student Minister Arif Muhammad argued.

This is about a Nation
Student Minister Ishmael Muhammad concluded the trio of presentations. He lifted Matthew 5:11-12 from the Bible which reads: “Blessed are ye when men shall revile you and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be exceeding glad, for great is your reward in Heaven; for so persecuted they the prophets who were before you.”
“This is beyond one man. This is now about a Nation, and it’s about Lazarus that was raised from the dead. When Lazarus was raised from the dead, those that say they are Jews, the high priests, they targeted both Jesus and Lazarus,” Student Minister Ishmael Muhammad said. “And they planned the death of both Lazarus and Jesus because Lazarus was the witness of Jesus.”
He described Lazarus as the “greatest demonstration of the presence of God,” which called forth the plan of the Jews to kill Lazarus.
The work of Min. Farrakhan and his teacher, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, is to resurrect “Lazarus,” or the dead Black man and woman of North America. Minister Farrakhan’s enemies, comprised of the Synagogue of Satan, are those who oppose the raising up of Black people.

During Saviours’ Day, the Minister quoted Revelation 2:9: “I know thy works and tribulation and poverty (but thou art rich), and I know the blasphemy of them that say they are Jews and are not, but are the Synagogue of Satan.”
“The term ‘synagogue’ means ‘a place of assembly.’ The term ‘synagogue’ from the Greek means ‘to bring together.’ So the Synagogue of Satan is an assembly of Satanic men, and it’s not exclusive to those who say they are Jews but are not, but it’s made up of both Jew and Gentile, Black and White, Asian and others, but the principle members of the Synagogue of Satan are those who say they are Jews but are not,” Student Minister Ishmael Muhammad explained.
He argued that the Synagogue of Satan has been around for a long time. In the time of Jesus, it was comprised of the high priests, or rabbis, the Pharisees, the Sadducees and the scribes.
“The Synagogue of Satan takes on different names, different organizations, different groups, and once the light or attention is shown on one, well they just dismantle it and pop up over here,” he said. “The Synagogue of Satan is a shadow government. They are an unseen, Satanic, wicked force that operate in the dark but make you see what you see, hear what you hear. The governments are puppets on a string,” added Student Minister Ishmael Muhammad.
Despite almost 40 years of going toe-to-toe with the rulers of darkness, the spiritually wicked in high places and the Satanic Jews plotting his death, Minister Farrakhan has stood strong on truth.
“What makes Farrakhan talk the way he talks, walk the way he walks?” Student Minister Ishmael Muhammad questioned. “He talks the way he talks because God is with him!”
The N.O.I. Executive Shura Council invited the audience to send questions and comments via the social media hashtag #PostSD2023.

Deryl Muhammd (@derylmuhammad) tweeted, “THLF has since 1984 withstood the most vicious character assassination of any man by Jewish powerful persons but here he stands and we the NOI stand.”
Mariah X (@mj_sheek) tweeted, “I’m just so full! I’m so in love with my Nation. So in love with this work. Thankful to Allah for depositing in me, that I could recognize the voice of God when I heard it. There is NO better safe place for our people than the MIGHTY Nation of Islam.”
Waliyyah Muhammad bore witness to the Executive Shura Council’s defense of Minister Farrakhan. “Praise Allah! Excellent defense and bearing of witness of @ The Honorable Minister #Farrakhan. Love it!! Thank you Executive Council for this,” she tweeted under the username @Alisa0308.
Gena Muhammad (@SisterGena) also expressed her love and appreciation. “I LOVE @LouisFarrakhan I was SO very Happy to hear him speak last Sunday WHAT A Blessing His Love for US is SO STRONG most can’t see it or know how to accept it I say ACCEPT IT BY DOING THE WORK! FOLLOW HIS LEAD & GO GET THE PEOPLE PRAY! EAT WELL! & THINK ON ALLAH!” she tweeted.
On March 12, Student Minister Ishmael Muhammad returned to the rostrum and delivered a message titled, “Armageddon: Post Saviours’ Day Reactions and Reflections,” which further bore witness to the guidance delivered by Minister Farrakhan. At the conclusion of the program, Student Minister Ishmael Muhammad was joined by Student Minister Abdul Arif Muhammad and they answered questions received from social media about Minister Farrakhan’s Saviours’ Day message.
To view Minister Farrakhan’s Saviours’ Day 2023 message and the post-Saviours’ Day presentations in their entirety, visit media.noi.org.