“I think we should strive to fill the airwaves of the social media, or the internet, with intelligent discourse rather than the vanity and useless foolishness that is constantly being used on the internet, on Facebook, on Instagram, and on Twitter pages. I would also like for the ministers of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, under my leadership, to respond intelligently to the people who are raising questions—even those who doubt the Truth of what we are saying, and are exclaiming their vitriol and bitterness to what they are hearing from us. But never, ever, should we go ‘down in the gutter’ with those who choose to go there.”
—The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan (Part 14 of “The Time and What Must Be Done” series)

The members of The Nation of Islam are increasingly embracing modern technology and striving to uniquely utilize it in accord with the guidance and supreme example set by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan since the launching of his Twitter account 12 years ago. No matter what platform it is, members are encouraged to post, spread, represent, and defend The Life-Giving Teachings of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and young people within the ranks are doing just that daily.

Brother Abdul Qiyam Muhammad (photo via Twitter)

Despite the constant censorship and shadow banning efforts of the enemies of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam, social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, Telegram and even Metaverse are still being saturated with the light of truth that is raising the consciousness of users.

“They don’t want me on social media. What have I done? I’ve been the most intellectual, courageous, knowledgeable, and civilized person on your platforms. I respect those platforms. I never have degraded myself on your platforms. You don’t like what I say, but you can never tell me that I have lied,” stated the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan during the virtual “Covid-19: The Virus and the Vaccine” plenary session hosted during Saviours’ Day 2021.


The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan has even answered over 5,000 questions submitted from people around the world regardless of their creed, class or color. Hundreds of his divinely inspired answers, covering a myriad of subjects, are contained in Volumes 1 and 2 of the ongoing book series, “The Teachings 2.0: Twitter Sayings of The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.”

The following questions and answers are found in Volume 1 on pages 9 and 79:

Q: What is the proper use of Facebook and Twitter for the Believers?

HMLF: Social media should facilitate the cause of friendship and the passing of knowledge. Create bonds and brotherly love.

Q: What is your opinion on the phenomena of activism through social media? Is it valid? Or is it purely lip service?

HMLF: The advancement of technology can be used for evil or good. We make it valid by the way we use it.

This year’s Saviours’ Day Convention presents attendees with a great opportunity to apply this guidance. Here are a few added social media tips and helpful information:

1- Follow and repost content from the Nation of Islam’s official social media pages:

Twitter: @LouisFarrakhan @OfficialNOI @TheFinalCall @NOISavioursDay

Facebook: @OfficialNationOfIslam @NationofIslamSavioursDay @TheFinalCallNewspaper 

Instagram: @finalcallnewspaper

2- The official hashtag for Saviours’ Day 2023 is #SD2023. Strive to utilize it with every tweet, caption, video, highlight reel, picture, etc., that you share.

3- Post and spread the official flyer every day to invite people to watch the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan’s earthshaking announcement on Feb. 26  on the official website of the Nation of Islam: NOI.org/SD2023. Use the hashtags #SD2023 and #Farrakhan

4- Post webcast links, live tweets, videos and photos from all public events such as the two plenary sessions being hosted on Friday, February 24, and Saturday, February 25, to draw viewers and encourage intelligent dialogue.

5- On Sunday, February 26 use any and all platforms to spread the message that will be delivered through The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, including live tweeting and streaming from your phones with the hashtags #Farrakhan and #SD2023.

6- After the message, keep spreading and reposting the entire video daily and help spread salient clips to continue creating dialogue. And  always defend the truth! Brother Abdul Qiyam Muhammad is the social media director for Min. Farrakhan.