Dr. Syed Haider is board certified in Internal Medicine with additional training in Functional Medicine. He has extensive experience working in hospitals, clinics, communities and online. He has helped over 25,000 patients and has provided treatments for COVID-19, including Ivermectin—a highly effective drug the government has attempted to suppress. He tweeted (@DrSyedHaider) that he had “8,000 acute COVID patients: 5 hospitalized. 0 dead. 8,000 recovered. 5 Pharmacist threats. 1 medical board complaint. 1 lawyer retained. Hundreds of medication transfers for pharmacist refusals.” Dr. Haider provides professional physician services online at mygotodoc.com.

Dr. Syed Haider Photo: Twitter

Dr. Haider began with the following opening remarks from a Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings of Allah Be Upon Him):

“Every disease has a cure.” This is the axiomatic basis of Islamic medicine, and really all medicine, that we have to start with—that if there is a disease, there is a cure; and traditional cultures believed that the cure was there. It’s not like it (the cure) was something coming in the future, but they could find it in their surroundings with herbs or plants.

And this doesn’t mean that every patient can always be cured. Some people aren’t willing to take the medicine. Sometimes it’s a bitter medicine; maybe it requires them doing something they don’t like to do. And other times it’s a simple medicine, like Ivermectin—you just have to pop a pill—but you have to get it, first.


Brother Dr. Ridgely Muhammad: Is it still hard for people to get Ivermectin and are doctors still being bothered by the medical boards?

Dr. Haider: There was a distinct and quite significant pushback against physicians prescribing (medications) off-label … I got into prescribing Ivermectin around November/December (of 2020) …

They (patients) would kind of give me a funny look like ‘What are you talking about? That’s a weird name … How could it be that there’s something that works against COVID and I haven’t heard about it on CNN or MSNBC or FOX News yet?’

I had a really hard time convincing people to order a prescription (for Ivermectin). This all changed when (in December 2020) Dr. Pierre Kory went in front of a small U.S. Senate hearing with Senator Ron Johnson and he was very fiery and very worked up and upset by this kind of pushback against these cheap, off-label drugs that were very effective. A clip from that hearing went viral and was viewed tens of millions of times until it was pulled off of YouTube, and at that point people became aware. Quite widely, people in America came to know the word Ivermectin and they linked it to COVID; and they had heard or seen, or heard from somebody else, that this drug might be effective in treating and preventing COVID-19.

At that point, I opened my own practice online because I saw that people had actually begun to search me out, asking me for it (Ivermectin), and it was easier to do this directly, instead of trying to do it through another (already established) website.

Brother Sultan Muhammad: Do you know of any time in history if there’s ever been the recommendation of any kind of vaccine that will require 3, 4, 5 boosters and follow-ups? How unusual is that?

Dr. Haider: No. I can’t think of any vaccine, other than the flu shot. The flu shot is a yearly shot, but it’s a different strain of the flu every year. And the flu shot is probably the vaccine that has the weakest evidence base of any vaccine. I’m essentially anti-vaccine at this point in time. But the flu shot is the worst of a bad lot …

But other than the flu shot, there’s never been a shot where you had to keep taking the vaccine, especially so many boosters, and at this point, basically, there’s no end in sight. And that’s because the virus is mutating. So one of the theories here is that vaccinating in the midst of the pandemic itself is what drove the evolution of the virus. That’s a plausible theory that these people all had the same immune response, and the virus evolved to evade that immune response. And so you’re never going to be able to catch up. You will never be able to create a vaccine, even theoretically, that’s effective at knocking this out. If we used Ivermectin, it might be possible to actually drive this thing out of existence within a month if everyone in the world took it. I don’t think that’ll ever happen. But if you wanted to wipe this virus out and completely eradicate it, I think that would be one of the only ways to do it. There’s a medication that does effectively stop the spread. And the vaccine certainly does not.

I think that the data itself has been called into question by a lot of people now. There have been whistleblowers showing that the [COVID vaccine] trials were essentially fraudulent right from the start. So, the supposed 94% efficacy right out of the gate was probably something that was created, fraudulently, but even if it wasn’t, that [so-called] efficacy rapidly diminished, because a virus mutates and the coronavirus is going to mutate away from the vaccine. So there are some diseases where they don’t mutate that way. So it might be theoretically possible to create an effective vaccine for certain illnesses. But coronavirus[-based illnesses] are not one of those illnesses that I think it would even be possible to create a vaccine for.

Brother Dr. Ridgely Muhammad: My understanding is that Ivermectin had been studied, even before the pandemic, as a possible cancer cure to reduce the tumors from cancers? Could it be that they are so afraid of Ivermectin because it can wipe out the whole industry?

Dr. Haider: Yes. It’s possible. Certainly, I think that … in modern medicine, there is no incentive to cure people. There is an incentive to create a subscription model, which essentially is what all modern medicine is. And so, I’ve come to the understanding and belief that almost all of modern chronic disease care creates chronic disease itself. And the way you can imagine that or just think about it is that when you’re in a disease state, say you have high blood pressure, your body is responding to all sorts of inputs—from your lifestyle, from your environment, maybe from toxins or chronic infections, stress, not sleeping well, not getting enough sunlight, not having good relationships with people around you, not spending time with friends and family, eating inflammatory foods—all of these different messages to your body are telling it what to do. And your body is responding by making your blood pressure go up, and your body is doing that for a good reason. It thinks that this is going to help you deal with the environment that you’re in now. And so when you force your blood pressure down—you take a medication to force it down—your body gets confused, and it’s like, ‘No, we need the blood pressure up because you haven’t changed your environment. I’m still getting all the same messages that are telling me raise our blood pressure.’ So your body tries to raise your blood pressure even more strongly than it was before.

And this goes for any kind of chronic disease management. It doesn’t matter what you’re taking. This is your body’s response. Your body thinks that it’s supposed to be in a certain state, and you’re forcing it out of that state. And now it feels unbalanced. And it’s going to strive to re-achieve that balance. So whether you’re treating anxiety or depression or high blood sugar or high blood pressure, really anything, when you’re kind of suppressing the symptoms like that, your body fights back against that. You end up needing higher and higher doses of the medication. Eventually, you need other medications to try to force your body back into where you think it should be—(such as) lower the blood sugar, lower the cholesterol, etc. And you’ll find people in their 80s, 90s who are on four or five blood pressure medications and it’s impossible to control their blood pressure anymore, no matter what you give them. It’s just not possible. And oftentimes, they may suffer from a stroke because of it, because it’s just become entirely out of control. I think that this is the model of disease care that we have—basically, it’s creating chronic disease. And the vaccine, unfortunately, seems to be creating a whole host of chronic diseases … We are interfering with our biology and our physiology and we’re creating chronic disease. The big pharmaceutical manufacturers, I think that they’re obviously aware of this—it’s not like a secret to them. And if they did come across a treatment that was an easy, safe, effective, cheap cure for something, they would have no good reason to release that on the market. They would actually have a fiduciary responsibility to their shareholders not to release it.

Stay tuned for Part 2 in a future edition of The Final Call