Student Minister Ishmael Muhammad, National Assistant to the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, delivers a message at Mosque No. 7 in New York. Photos: Colin2X

NEW YORK—Nearly three years since the pandemic, Student Minister Ishmael Muhammad, son of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the National Assistant to the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, visited the Eastern Regional headquarters of the Nation of Islam at the historic Muhammad Mosque No. 7 in Harlem.

His message of inspiration brought joy to the hearts and minds of the believers and the guests who packed three floors of the newly renovated mosque to hear him speak. Correlating the extreme makeover of the mosque, he also encouraged the believers and guests to work on their hearts and minds in order to be pleasing and acceptable in the eye of God. Minister Ishmael Muhammad commended the Laborers who were the catalyst to bringing a new look to Mosque No. 7, affectionately called the “Heart of the Nation.” 

He reminisced about the fond memories he had with the late Student Regional Minister Abdul Hafeez Muhammad. “It took me a minute, still taking time for me to adjust being back in New York and my big brother, the big teddy bear not being here,” he recalled. The mosque was filled to capacity in the sanctuary and the overflow rooms in the Salaam Café and the MUI classrooms during Student Minister Ishmael Muhammad’s Jan. 29 message.

—Daleel Jabir Muhammad
