
The Divine Message and Teaching of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad is not solely limited to Black and Indigenous people in the United States. The Fruit of Islam (FOI, the men of the Nation of Islam) in the European Region are sharing the message of Islam taught by Mr. Muhammad and exemplified through his National Representative, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. As a young Muslim, Min. Farrakhan vowed to take the teachings of his spiritual father to every nook and cranny of America and the world. Min. Farrakhan has made his word bond and his students strive to continue that work and mission.

The FOI in London, England, and Paris, France, share this redemptive and transformative Teaching through distributing The Final Call newspaper. There are Muslim followers of Mr. Muhammad and Min. Farrakhan in various countries in Europe. Student Minister Abdul Hakeem Muhammad serves as the European Region representative of the NOI and Min. Farrakhan.  

All Praise is due to Allah for the FOI for sharing a universal message of Islam as taught by the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad.