Brother Marcus and Sister Cecelia Muhammad, coordinators of the retreat

Do you want a chance to reconnect with your spouse? Do you want to strengthen your marriage? Calling all married couples!

The Marriage Keepers, Marcus and Cecelia Muhammad, invite you to the 11th Annual Marriage Retreat which will be held online/virtually, Aug. 26 – 29. This year’s theme is “The Covenant of a God-Centered Marriage.”

Featured speakers will include: Student Minister Ishmael Muhammad, National Assistant to the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan; retreat coordinators Marcus and Cecelia Muhammad; Western Region Student Minister Abdul Malik Sayyid Muhammad and his wife L’tonya Muhammad, Student Minister Henry Muhammad of Mosque No. 7C in Brooklyn, NY; Dr. Ava Muhammad, National Spokesperson of Min. Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam; Melissa Muhammad, Esq., a relationship and finance coach; Seventh Region Student Minister Patrick Muhammad and his wife Eiliyah Muhammad; Dawud Muhammad, a credit counselor;  Hannibal Muhammad, an author and speaker, and James and Tiffanie Muhammad, marriage problem solvers.

“Those who have attended The Retreats most left with a newfound spirit to fight for the sanctity of Marriage and be an example for others. I’m so honored to be a Proud Card-Carrying Member Of ‘The Marriage Keepers,’” Student Min. Abdul Malik Sayyid Muhammad testified on the Marriage Keepers website.


For more information including registration costs, visit Contact Marcus Muhammad at 770-256-8856 to let him know you and your spouse are attending the event.