The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan (center) has arranged for students interested in medicine to attend medical school in Cuba at fair and affordable tuition rates. Photo: The Final Call

by Dr. Ridgely Abdul Mu’min Muhammad


The Honorable Minister
Louis Farrakhan

We heard that you’re killing some of us in the hospital. See, we know who the laborers were of Yakub that brought you into existence. They were ministers. They were doctors, they were nurses. They were cremators. So, we know you well, and we are watching you go to work in the hospitals to kill us.” –Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, The Criterion, July 4, 2020

The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad implored us: “We need a hospital for our sick and wounded! We have love for you and we want to show this love for you. Please make up your minds and help my followers and me to purchase or to build a modern hospital of at least 200 (two hundred) or 300 (three hundred) beds.” –Muhammad Speaks, September 7, 1973


This COVID-19 “pandemic” and the unprecedented push for vaccinations, especially in the Black community, have exposed the abysmal lack of medical services available to the majority of the Black population. From the very outset of this so-called COVID-19 pandemic, we began to see the result of Black people being left out of America’s health care system.

Physician Dr. Velva Boles has pointed out, “In 2019, only 11% of Black Americans had health insurance.” This forces us to be dependent on the emergency room instead of family doctors for primary care. When we go to the emergency room we are most likely to be misdiagnosed, as has happened in many major cities, because the symptoms for Black people are different from those of White people.

From the start of the pandemic, many of our people who went to the emergency rooms complaining of serious illness received no help and were sent home, only to return in much worse shape. Uninsured, they were neglected at best and at worst, put on ventilators to die from suffocation.

Seeing the reports of increasing deaths, Dr. Boles sent a proposal to newly elected President Joseph Biden for the establishment of a “National Black Healthcare Consulate,” whose mission would be “To establish equity in the application of healthcare in the United States for Black Americans thereby enhancing good health and extending length of life by reducing illness and disability.”

“Over the last few weeks,” Dr. Boles wrote to Biden on behalf of Black healthcare professionals, “an illusion of prosperity and recovery has been painted with ‘faith’ in vaccines against COVID 19, but little mention of actions needed to rectify the travesties COVID 19 uncovered in the dispensing of healthcare to black Americans in the United States.

Dr Charles Drew with Black
Charles Drew sitting with medical residents at Freedmen’s Hospital Creator: Harris & Ewing Date: [ca. 1945] Description: Drew is sitting on the table on the right. Photo: Howard University. Moorland-Spingarn Research Center. Charles R. Drew Papers

Therefore, we, the undersigned, request to work with your administration on plans to ensure that all Americans will have prompt access to equitable healthcare during the COVID-19 scourge while removing obstacles that have been systematically put in place during years of institutionalized prejudicial practices.”

As of this writing, the Biden administration has ignored the call for a “National Black Healthcare Consulate,” so we will have to take back responsibility for our health, as the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad implored us in the 1970s. I say, “take back responsibility,” because at one time we did take care of our own health needs, until we were tricked by the offer of “integration.”

Dr. Charles Drew, black American surgeon who became the first director of the American Red Cross blood bank, is shown in this undated photo at an unknown location. During World War II, Drew helped establish blood banks to serve the Allies in Europe. (AP Photo)

Did you know that in 1923 we had 200 Black hospitals, but by1944 the number of hospitals had decreased to 124 and now we have only 2 in 2021 for the whole country? By 1910 Blacks had 7 medical schools, but thanks to the diabolical scheming of a racist Orthodox Jew named Abraham Flexner—a man with no medical training—five of those seven Black medical schools were forced to close.

Flexner was hired by the Carnegie Foundation and the American Medical Association (AMA) to find a way to limit the number of doctors competing for patients in America. White medical schools were already excluding Black students, so Flexner’s 1910 report crippled the Black community’s ability to develop our own healthcare system.

After Flexner, the number of Black physicians, dentists, pharmacists, and registered nurses was drastically reduced. The tragic result is that in 2021 a study has found that “Black newborn babies [are] three times more likely than White Babies to die when looked after by White doctors.”

But by far the greatest destroyer of our Black hospitals was so-called integration and the brain drain of our Black doctors to work for White “integrated” hospitals after the 1960s, thanks to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP):

“The NMA [National Medical Association] and the NAACP led the campaign for medical civil rights. They maintained that a segregated health care system resulted in the delivery of inferior medical care to black Americans.

The organizations charged that the poorly financed facilities of the black medical ghetto could not adequately meet the health and professional needs of black people and rejected the establishment of additional ones to remedy the problem. Instead, the NMA and the NAACP called for the integration of existing hospitals and the building of interracial hospitals.”

You do know that the NAACP was set up by so-called Jews and not Blacks. Now our so-called Jewish friends have 24 hospitals in New York City alone, while we have only 2 for a nation of 40 million people. Can you say “planned genocide”?

For the first time, America is asking Blacks to step to the front of the line to take something that is supposedly good for us. But they lie and tell us that the experimental gene therapy shots are vaccines, while they hide known safe and effective treatments and therapies from us. We must set up a system to make sure our people have access to those 14+ treatments and therapies that the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan referenced on July 4, 2020.

This takes us back to the infamous Tuskegee Experiment where the government pretended to care about our Black men, only to poison them for 40 years while withholding medicine to cure them. Did you know that the Black people of Tuskegee, Alabama wanted a Black hospital in 1923? The federal government had pledged to set up a hospital for Blacks run by Blacks.

The hospital was built, but run by Whites. This very veterans hospital was one of the facilities used by the United States Public Health Service (forerunner of the CDC) in the syphilis “study,” which began in 1932. Their present genocidal plans and depopulation schemes are just business as usual.

So, why should we expect President Biden to set up a “National Black Healthcare Consulate”? It looks like we are going to have to finally accept the solution of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad: we must set up our own Black Health System. We must build our own clinics and hospitals. We can even start out with virtual hospitals or community/support clinics, as suggested by Dr. Velva Boles, Dr. Saffiya Shabazz and others.

But where is the money going to come from? Let’s sit down and get the proposal together and reach out to our wealthy Black businesspeople, athletes, entertainers and our people in general, who have begun to show signs of life and a desire to help themselves. History shows that immediately after chattel slavery ended, we worked together. We bought 16 million acres of farmland, built schools, hospitals and set up over 60 towns until our former slavemasters launched an all-out war against us.

After they burned and bombed our towns, leaving nothing but scorched earth and dead bodies; hanged us from trees and committed every heinous act against us, they hypocritically brought the olive branch of integration. Integration tricked us into letting our institutions fall to the ground, seeking an acceptance that we never found and by nature never wanted. We continue to be prey in the mouth of a serpent—a ruthless, slick deceiver. Up you mighty race, we can build “Again”—this time with a clear knowledge and ability to make the distinction between our Enemy and our Friend.