Muhammad Speaks

“On that day, the unjust person shall bite his hands for anguish and despair, and shall say, Oh that I had taken the way of truth with the apostle.” Holy Qur’an, Surah 25:27 (Sale Translation)

The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad stood up and boldly declared to the world, that he met with God and was taught by Him day and night for more than three years.  Reactions to this bold declaration varied.

And though the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad was beloved for more than 40 years by Black People in America and around the world, he and his followers were persecuted by the American government, which even recruited  and duped members of the Black community to aid and abet their persecution of Muhammad.


Numerous current events point to the fact that, despite being opposed by the most powerful government in the world, Elijah Muhammad’s message—His life giving teachings—should no longer be ignored. In fact, the unraveling of the American government presents an emergency situation of such magnitude, that it compels America’s leaders to adopt the solutions offered by the Most Hon. Elijah Muhammad that they have so far rejected.


Filled within the divine message of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad are solutions to the problems plaguing America.  The presentation of these solutions has been the “meat” of the ministry of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.

Minister Farrakhan’s effective and prolific presentation of these solutions for the past 44 years, since he began the rebuilding of the Nation of Islam, clearly identifies our beloved Minister as the best helper and aide to the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad.

Muhammad & Farrakhan Have Divine Authority

It’s not difficult to see how the work and history of Elijah Muhammad and Louis Farrakhan parallels the history and work of Moses and Aaron described within the scriptures. The Holy Qur’an discusses a very important aspect of the relationship between Moses and Aaron that has manifested itself in the history of the work of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Minister Farrakhan. In the 28th Surah we read:

Jeffersons Quran

“28:34—And my brother, Aaron, he is more eloquent in speech than I, so send him with me as a helper to confirm me. Surely I fear that they would reject me. 28:35—He said: We will strengthen thine arm with thy brother, and We will give you both an authority, so that they shall not reach you. With Our signs, you two and those who follow you, will triumph.”

In this passage, Allah (God) promises Moses, Aaron and their followers victory over their opposition, Pharaoh and others.  This passage also powerfully indicates that both men were given divine authority to warn Pharaoh and divine authority to liberate the enslaved Children of Israel. According to this passage it would be the work of Aaron to confirm what Allah (God) had revealed to Moses.

Minister Farrakhan and the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad have been given divine authority. And the ministry of Min. Farrakhan has provided the confirmation of the divine message of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, a message which is actually the latest installment of the divine revelation of hidden truths by Allah (God) to the human family of the Earth.

Within what Allah (God) revealed to the Most Hon. Elijah Muhammad are both warning and instruction. The American government has failed to heed the divine warnings. And now its leaders fight and contend against one another as the larger problems of the country go unresolved. The political climate in America is such that scholars—armed with the knowledge of history—are beginning to cry out in desperation. Their own warnings declare that the country is headed for a fall!  

MLF lecture

On June 1, 2021, 100 scholars affixed their names to a document stating their serious concerns over the future destiny of America if current trends continue. The document published on is officially titled “Statement of Concern: The Threats to American Democracy and the Need for National Voting and Election Administration Standards.” It begins with an extraordinary statement of concern over the future national standing of the United States of America:

“We, the undersigned, are scholars of democracy who have watched the recent deterioration of U.S. elections and liberal democracy with growing alarm. … When democracy breaks down, it typically takes many years, often decades, to reverse the downward spiral. In the process, violence and corruption typically flourish, and talent and wealth flee to more stable countries, undermining national prosperity. It is not just our venerated institutions and norms that are at risk—it is our future national standing, strength, and ability to compete globally.”

This group of scholars is providing a warning very late into the downward spiral of the American government. Since 1985 Minister Farrakhan has been warning the government of America of both her fall, and that America’s sins against Black people and the poor have earned for her the chastisement of Allah (God). He said most recently in his July 4, 2020, worldwide address, entitled “The Criterion,” that the president should do all that he can to:

Statement of Concern

“Try to make America safe from the wrath of God, her chastisement over the wickedness that you all have been involved in since your inception … . America, you’ve been weighed. Try to keep yourself out of war. Try to keep yourself away from the Judgment of God.”

The Minister has brilliantly, beautifully and over many years demonstrated the striking parallels between modern America and the Biblical Egypt. He has shown the parallels between ancient Rome and modern America. He has given profound scriptural exegesis showing how modern America and ancient Babylon mirror one another. And he has made the rulers of America to know the sins of this country against Black people.  And he has continued the warning of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad to the rulers of America that if they refuse to give justice to Black people, Allah’s (God’s) wrath will bring America to her doom.

What Should Black People Do?

The political tumult now on daily display has placed Black America in a quandary. The hype and excitement over the election of President Biden has all but evaporated. And once again, the Black voter has bailed out the Democratic Party, only to be left disappointed and frustrated.

The time is out for Black America’s overdependence on electoral politics to address and resolve our people’s problems and concerns. Allah (God) has given divine authority to the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Minister Farrakhan.  That authority is not only to warn the government of America.  It is also divine authority to direct and guide the Black man and woman of America away from suffering and into the favor of Allah (God).

In his powerful 2016 Saviours’ Day address, Minister Farrakhan made a presentation of divine commands to Black America from his teacher, the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Every pastor, imam, organizational leader and elected official within the Black community should get this message, study it and begin working to implement those divine commands immediately! A sampling of those divine commands includes the following:

“We must stop relying upon the White man to care for us. We must become an independent people.

1. Separate yourselves from the ‘slave-master.’

2. Pool your resources, education and qualifications for independence.

3. Stop forcing yourselves into places where you are not wanted.

4. Make your own neighborhood a decent place to live.

5. Rid yourselves of the lust of wine and drink and learn to love self and your kind before loving others.

6. Unite to create a future for yourself.

7. Build your own homes, schools, hospitals, and factories.

8. Do not seek to mix your blood through racial integration.

9. Stop buying expensive cars, fine clothes and shoes before being able to live in a fine home.

10. Spend your money among yourselves.

11. Build an economic system among yourselves.

12. Protect your women.”

These commands are divine commands that were originally published within the pages of “Message To The Blackman in America,” written by the Most Hon. Elijah Muhammad; a book that should be read and studied by every Black and indigenous person in America. These commands are a part of what  comprises the gospel message that should be preached and practiced throughout the Black community.

One of America’s Founding Fathers, Thomas Jefferson, owned one of the early English translations of the Holy Qur’an produced by George Sale. Sale’s English rendering of the Qur’anic Arabic for Surah 25:27 introduces this article. Jefferson’s political heirs, the current leaders of the American government, should read it and reflect. For, during this current dispensation of time, it is Minister Farrakhan who is Allah’s (God’s) Apostle and the way of truth is with him.

Follow the divine commands of Allah (God) coming through Minister Farrakhan and live; reject them and mourn as the unraveling of America continues!

Demetric Muhammad, a Nation of Islam student minister and author, is based in Memphis. Follow @brotherdemetric on Twitter.