On July 4, 2020 the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan in his monumental speech, “The Criterion” exposed to the world how the Polio Vaccine spread cancer in the Black community: “Remember the syphilis experiment? Remember what they did to the Native Americans with smallpox?

Remember the vaccine that they gave us for polio that was cancer itself? So how in the hell could you trust them with a vaccine when you know what they have done? It is government policy to reduce the population by 2 to 3 billion people!”

In this article we will deal with the Salk polio vaccine’s major role in the increase of cancer in the Black population in the United States over the last 6 decades. Below is a section on the history of concerns on the safety of vaccines taken from the CDC website:


“Simian Virus 40 (SV40) – 1955–1963

From 1955 to 1963, an estimated 10-30% of polio vaccines administered in the US were contaminated with simian virus 40 (SV40). The virus came from monkey kidney cell cultures used to make polio vaccines at that time. Most of the contamination was in the inactivated polio vaccine (IPV), but it was also found in oral polio vaccine (OPV). After the contamination was discovered, the U.S. government established testing requirements to verify that all new lots of polio vaccines were free of SV40.

Because of research done with SV40 in animal models, there has been some concern that the virus could cause cancer in humans. However, most studies looking at the relationship between SV40 and cancers are reassuring, finding no causal association between receipt of SV40-contaminated polio vaccine and development of cancer. No vaccines used today contain SV40 virus.”


Let’s deal first with the last sentence from this CDC statement. Supposedly, pharmaceutical companies are required to provide data proving the safety of their vaccines. However, Attorney Robert Kennedy, Jr. found out otherwise, as is pointed out on page 201 of Dr. Judy Mikovitz’s book, “Plague of Corruption.”

She wrote: “Kennedy recently got an admission from the federal government that despite the requirements of the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, that a report must be provided to Congress every two years certifying that the vaccines schedule is safe, no such studies have EVER been done.”

So how can the CDC claim “No vaccines used today contain SV40”? In fact, there are laboratories equipped to determine what ingredients are in the new vaccines. Dr. Mikovitz pointed us to CORVELVA Experts, who in 2018 investigated the new Priorix Tetra vaccine. It was produced by GlaxcoSmithKline to prevent measles, rubella, mumps and varicella. Investigators found in it “immunodeficiency virus of monkeys.” So, the CDC is lying on this point.

Now let’s explore the real deal behind the relationship between the SV40 monkey virus and cancer as described by Attorney Kennedy in the Foreword to Dr. Mikovitz’s book:

“In 1961, [Dr. Bernice] Eddy discovered that a cancer-causing monkey virus, SV40, had contaminated ninety-eight million Salk polio vaccines. When she injected the SV40 virus into newborn hamsters, the rodents sprouted tumors. Eddy’s discovery proved an embarrassment to many scientists working on the vaccine…On July 26, 1961, the New York Times reported that Merck and Parke-Davis were withdrawing the Salk vaccines. The article said nothing about cancer…

Even though Merck and Parke-Davis recalled their polio vaccines in 1961, NIH officials refused to pursue a total recall of the rest of the supply, fearing reputational injury to the vaccine program if Americans learned that PHS [Public Health Service] had infected them with a cancer-producing virus. As a result, millions of unsuspecting Americans received carcinogenic vaccines between 1961 and 1963. The Public Health Service then concealed that “secret” for forty years.

In total, ninety-eight million Americans received shots potentially containing the cancer-producing virus, which in now part of the human genome. In 1996, government researchers identified SV-40 in 23 percent of the blood specimens and 45 percent of the sperm specimens collected from healthy adults. Six percent of the children born between 1980 and 1995 are infected…

Today, SV-40 is used in research laboratories throughout the world, because it is so reliably carcinogenic. Researchers use it to produce a wide variety of bone and soft-tissue cancers including mesothelioma and brain tumors in animals. These cancers have exploded in the baby boom generation, which received the Salk and Sabin polio vaccines between 1955 and 1963.

Skin cancers are up by 70 percent, lymphoma and prostate by 66 percent, and brain cancer by 34 percent. Prior to 1950, mesothelioma was rare in humans. Today, doctors diagnose nearly 3,000 Americans with mesothelioma every year: 60 percent of the tumors that were tested contained SV-40. Today, scientists find SV-40 in a wide range of deadly tumors, including between 33 percent and 90 percent of brain tumors, eight of eight ependymomas, and nearly half of the bone tumors tested.” (p. XV, XVI of Kennedy’s Foreword in “Plague of Corruption”)

Here again, the CDC is outright lying on the connection between SV40 monkey virus and cancer. To drive this nail in deeper, we must highlight what Kennedy said, “Today, SV-40 is used in research laboratories throughout the world, because it is so reliably carcinogenic. Researchers use it to produce a wide variety of bone and soft-tissue cancers including mesothelioma and brain tumors in animals.”

In fact, if you put in a Google search of “SV40 immortalization protocol,” you will get articles talking about how the SV40 virus can make any cell turn into a cancer cell and you can order it over the internet for your laboratory. So why would “laboratories” pay for a SV40 kit to make cancer, but the CDC can get away with “…finding no causal association between receipt of SV40-contaminated polio vaccine and development of cancer…”?

Before 1955, cancer was considered a “white man’s disease.” However, we used CDC’s own data to prove that cancer has become a “Black man’s decease” caused by contaminated Polio Vaccines that the Most Honorable Elijah warned his followers not to take.

In 1950 the cancer death rate for whites was 153.6 per 100,000, but only 108.1 for Blacks. Over this 65-year period the death rate for whites went up to 198 in 1995, but up to 277 for Blacks. By 2017 the death rates for whites had gone back down to 1950s levels of 159, but the Black death rate was almost twice what it was in the 1950s. Almost every Black family has been touched by the cold hand of cancer.

Of course, one could argue that white people got the Polio vaccines also. But what batch did they get? Supposedly, “On July 26, 1961, the New York Times reported that Merck and Parke-Davis were withdrawing the Salk vaccines.” However, those tainted vaccines were never taken out of circulation, so there is reason to believe they were dumped on the Black population where they always dump their defective products. Minister Farrakhan’s warning should be enough, because we just can’t trust them.

Dr. Ridgely Abdul Mu’min Muhammad is a member of the Nation of Islam Research Group.