Min. Farrakhan donated 1,000 free meals in Chicago as part of Ramadan observance.

CHICAGO—The Muslim community across the globe took part in its annual time of spiritual reflection and self-improvement known as Ramadan.

During this time, Muslims fast from dawn to sunset for 30 days, read the Holy Qur’an daily and focus even more on doing good deeds, like feeding those in need. The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam donated 1,000 meals to be freely given to Chicago residents throughout the city.

Helping the Minister in his mission to feed those in need was owner and operator of The Foodies Spot restaurant, Sister Carmella Muhammad, along with numerous Muslims from the Nation of Islam’s Mosque Maryam. She has been feeding the homeless regularly since her business opened in August 2018 and has been feeding the less fortunate since May 2013.

The meals were distributed May 9 by directly placing the quality food in the hands of people and by delivering food to a women’s shelter to feed residents. Five teams struck out across the city, striking in particular the West Side and South Side neighborhoods whose needs are often ignored.

Muslims fed the less fortunate as an act of charity during the month of Ramadan distributing 1,000 meals paid for by Min. Farrakhan.

Sister Carmella explained that the meals were to be distributed over two weeks, May 9 and May 23, at 500 meals per weekend.

Armed with The Final Call newspaper, bottled water, and meals consisting of vegetarian and chicken options, volunteers enthusiastically offered the day’s gifts to those in a homeless shelter and those living in a tent city near downtown.

Sister Katrina Muhammad stated, “The love of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan is tremendous. To do something like this during Ramadan and to do it all the time is just beautiful, I had to be a part of it. As a Muslim, this is something that we should be doing for our faith and for humanity, so I had to participate in this expression of love, it’s absolutely beautiful.”

“I was motivated to volunteer today because it’s the holy month of Ramadan and I wanted to give back and Ramadan really puts us in a space of you are hungry and you know what it feels like to deal with hunger but it’s temporary, but for our brothers and sisters who are homeless, they don’t have the means to break their fast, they’re just hungry. I just felt obligated to assist in some way, shape or form,” added Sister Saaudiah Muhammad.

A moment of prayer is shared as Muslims share nutritious delicious meals on the streets of Chicago for Ramadan

Those who received the donations were thankful with one person offering a prayer for the Muslim volunteers in a show of gratitude.

Volunteer Margaret Mahdi stated, “Blessed Ramadan, we thank Allah to be able to serve on behalf of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, all praise is due to Allah. You can’t serve enough. There’s no excuse as to why we can’t do more.”

“We’re out here sharing love and food,” added Sister Adeelah Muhammad. “Being shut in during Covid-19, I’m used to being a worker, behind the scenes, especially during Ramadan, it helps to get blessings for ourselves and for our people.” 

“I felt the need to be of service to our people,” Sister Aamilah Muhammad explained. “Of course the fact that Minister Farrakhan asked for us to come out and feed the people on his behalf, I absolutely had to make it a reality. I always think that this could be me, this could be my family, so anytime I’m able to be of service to our people, to the beloved Minister, I’m going to be there, and I thank him for giving me the opportunity to be of service.”

(Shawntell Muhammad can be contacted at [email protected].)

Photos: Haroon Rajaee and Troy 5X