Young women from the Nation of Islam presented on the proper and wise use of social media during Saviours’ Day 2021 and the impact of the #ReflectingFarrakhan challenge.

In light of words of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan that a “nation can rise no higher than its woman,” the MGT (Muslim Girls Training) showed up and showed out in the “Proper Use of Social Media” virtual workshop.

During the Saviours’ Day weekend workshop held Feb. 27, many were recognized for their participation and creativity in the recent #ReflectingFarrakhan challenge.

“I saw one brother say that the MGT have turned ‘Facebook’ into ‘Faithbook,’” said panelist Sister Nimah Muhammad from Dallas, Texas. “As followers of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, we must be aware of where he’s leading us and what it requires of us. … We know that as Satan plans, Allah plans and Allah is the best of planners.”

The 30-day challenge has over 30,000 posts across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok and Clubhouse and its purpose is to push the words and Teachings of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and his top student, Min. Farrakhan. Each day, the MGT posted something to promote Islam with their unique expression.


Of the many women given a shoutout, Sister Khabirah Muhammad posted cleaning tips and advice reflecting one of the Seven Training Units, “How to Keep House.” Sister Niya Muhammad, who specializes in graphic design, used her creative skills to promote words of Min. Farrakhan.

One of the participants of the #ReflectingFarrakhan challenge is Sister Hanan Muhammad, a Junior MGT Vanguard from Chicago. She consistently posted photos that reflected the discipline and integrity of a young Muslim during military drill, and how to dress beautifully and modestly every day.

Sister Khadijah Muhammad from Tampa, Fla., said, “Seeing the mighty MGT and FOI reflecting Farrakhan is a beautiful thing to see. This challenge further proves that Farrakhan cannot be dead!”

Sister Tadarah Muhammad from Chicago who is a baker, mother and entrepreneur posted beautiful photos of herself in MGT garments and modest outfits while promoting her baking business and the Teachings of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad.

Sister Khadijah reflected that the challenge has helped her develop and push her baking business.

“No matter your profession or career, we all have a duty to push the truth,” she said.

Student Minister Kenya Muhammad of Chicago was also a panelist during the workshop. “That’s over 30,000 posts promoting truth. … That’s over 30,000 MGT showing that we don’t care what this world tries to give us. We love being an MGT!”

“Thank you to everyone who was able to post every, single day,” said Sister Amirah Muhammad of Waxahachie, Texas. “The best defense in a time like this is to claim who you are.”

Sister Sabbath Muhammad from Atlanta, said, “We are taught that Master Fard Muhammad came to make us the envy of the world. … He came to make us superior, an unstoppable light of guidance. This teaching has made us so powerful in the humblest of fashion.”

“There is something wrong if we use it to promote foolishness,” said panelist Janiah X from Miami. “If we look at the Minister’s history, he has always found ways to deliver the life-giving Teachings of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad to the people, and social media is no different.” Sis. Janiah is one of the winners of Mosque No. 29 in the #ReflectingFarrakhan challenge.

Some took to the chat section to express their excitement and pride in being an MGT.

Sister Sierra Jamal-Muhammad, during the workshop said, “I am committing to growing in my Islam in all areas, the biggest room in the house is the room for improvement. May Allah continue to guide and protect us all.”

“I saw so many of my sisters! Congratulations on Reflecting Farrakhan to all of the sisters!” said Sister Nimah Muhammad.

Michelle X said, “Congrats to all the MGT! This has been so beautiful, inspiring, uplifting and so much more. We want to give a special shoutout to Sis. Naeemah who we love so much for her guidance, her encouragement and her love.”