Despite the Covid-19 pandemic the Nation of Islam will still host its annual Saviours’ Day Convention, presenting the opportunity for participants from around the world to connect virtually. Saviours’ Day is the commemoration of the birth of Master Fard Muhammad, Allah in Person, the Great Mahdi and Teacher of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, who appeared in North America on July 4, 1930 to deliver the Black man and woman. This year’s observance will be convened virtually February 26-28.

Participants can register now online at Like previous in-person convention gatherings, various workshops, a youth summit, town hall meetings, the Muslim Friday prayer service Salat-al Jumu’ah and a special drill exhibition video presentation are all part of the planned online festivities.

Minister Ava Muhammad

The National Assistant to the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, Student Minister Ishmael Muhammad, said even though the 2021 Saviours’ Day observance will be virtual, it will be just as uplifting as previous conventions.

“We, in the Nation of Islam, are very happy and humble to celebrate and observe the birth of the founder of the Nation of Islam in the West, the long awaited and expected Messiah of the Christians and Mahdi of the Muslims, Master Fard Muhammad who was born on the 26th of February in 1877 in the Holy City of Mecca,” he told The Final Call.


“Saviours’ Day over the years has always been public and the public has been invited to attend and participate in the informative and educational and inspiring workshops and, of course, the keynote address delivered each and every year,” added Student Min. Ishmael Muhamad.

Under the leadership of Min. Farrakhan, Saviours’ Day has always brought thousands of people together from around the world since 1981, the first gathering held in the rebuilding and reestablishing of the work of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.

“So, the Executive Council took our historic template and we just applied that to the virtual world now so that all of the activities would be—exception of the annual drill competition—will be done in the same manner but it will be virtual. … It is our desire to transmit and convey to all who attend guidance in a time of great trouble,” continued Student Minister Ishmael Muhammad.

“We have chosen the theme that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad lifted in the early 70s, I believe in the Muhammad Speaks newspaper where he asked the question: How Strong is the Foundation? Can we survive?” he continued.

Minister Ishmael Muhammad

“The foundation of something is that which supports. It’s the basis for support. So, we have designed Saviours’ Day to help, to strengthen the foundation of the Believer in God and the human being that needs knowledge and guidance to get through this great time of trouble and dark hour that the scriptures are told would be visited upon the face of every inhabitant of the Earth.” Student Min. Ishmael Muhammad will be hosting a virtual workshop, “God is a Man,” on February 26.

Student Minister Ava Muhammad, a gifted attorney, author and Student National Spokesperson of Min. Farrakhan, said, “Everything that takes place is the result of Allah’s active will or His permissive will. I do look forward to the participants having the ability to truly focus in on content.”

The Saviours’ Day workshops and seminars are essential to our development because Minister Farrakhan determines the focus, and for the last several years the focus has zeroed in on the Muslim Program, on the development of the nine ministries, Student Min. Ava Muhammad explained. “As we stand poised to move from mosque structure to nation, it is critical that we gain the knowledge and enlightenment that is given to us in the workshops.”

The Muslim Program, which can be found on the inside back page of The Final Call newspaper, states “What the Muslims Want” and “What The Muslims Believe.”

Saviours’ Day 2018 FOI class Photos: Final Call file

Student Minister Ava Muhammad will be hosting her “Elevated Places” live radio show February 25, and can be accessed via

“Even though we look forward to the Believers all coming together, we get to see and be with each other, there’s nothing like Saviours’ Day,” she continued. “Even though we don’t have that, Allah (God) has given us in its stead the ability to focus, and that is what we need most in this time.”

For more information and to register for Saviours’ Day, visit

—Tariqah Shakir-Muhammad, Staff Writer