[Editor’s Note:  This article is a reprint that was published on July 12, 2005.]

It was August 1st or 2nd, 1961, when the Honorable Elijah Muhammad gathered his ministers, in what was then called Muhammad’s Temple No. 2 in Chicago, Illinois, for a significant one-day (and later dinner) conference.

He opened the meeting by informing us that what he called us there for, he could say in six or seven minutes. Four hours later, he did.

In that six to seven minutes, he summed up certain things that were coming in the future. One of the points he covered pertained to one of his ministers, who was sitting in that group.


The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said that Aaron was falsely charged in the Bible. But, he went on to say, that the Holy Qur’an cleared him of those charges.

None of us knew that he had in his mind one of us who was sitting in front of him, as he referred to Aaron. That minister likewise did not know that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad was speaking of himself, under the sign of Aaron, in terms of his future.

But the Honorable Elijah Muhammad knew the scriptures thoroughly. He knew that Aaron was among the signs of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. In fact, he knew back in 1961, and before then, that which we are now experiencing and even beyond today.

In “This Is The One,” the third edition, pages 231-233, I wrote:

“One day the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said to Minister Farrakhan: ‘I did not make you, Brother.’ The Minister responded, a little excitedly, ‘Oh yes, you did Dear Holy Apostle. Yes, you did.’

“The Honorable Elijah Muhammad sternly told him: ‘Be quiet and listen.’ He repeated that he did not make him. Then he said: ‘I taught you like I taught the rest. But only Allah made you able to put the teachings together in the unique way that you have of putting the teachings together. Allah prepared you for me.’

“What is involved in Allah’s preparation of a human being to serve others in this unique way? This is something to ponder: A man who is the direct work of God, to serve His highest purposes. Such a man is the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Such a man is the Honorable Louis Farrakhan.

“The Honorable Elijah Muhammad repeated that which he said on an earlier occasion, that Minister Farrakhan was the answer to his prayer for a helper from his family.

“Not long afterward, he used the same words that you can find in Chapter 7, verse 142, of the Holy Qur’an, that Moses used in speaking to Aaron before he left the physical presence of the people. The words that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad used were that Minister Farrakhan could ‘take my place among my people.’ This is exactly what Moses told Aaron before he went to his Lord.

“Still later, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad called Minister Farrakhan to Chicago and, at dinner with the then-national secretary present, Brother John Ali, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said, ‘Brother, I called you here so that I may share with you some of my burden.’

“The Minister sat, waiting for the Honorable Elijah Muhammad to give him some new instructions or new assignments that would, in effect, ‘share with’ the Honorable Elijah Muhammad ‘some of his burden.’ The only thing the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said on that occasion was that Brother John Ali was to open up all the records of the finances of Temple No. 2 so that he might better see what was going on. This never came about during those days. However, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad was seeing far into the future and preparing his servant to meet the future—which is now.

“Some time later, Minister Farrakhan would think of these and certain other experiences of his with the Honorable Elijah Muhammad in relation to such Qur’anic passages as Chapter 20, verse 29 through 34, or verse 35: ‘And give to me an aider from my family: Aaron.’

“Minister Farrakhan had the flu during a few days in December of 1969. One Sister, who was an official from Chicago, had business in New York City. She and I saw each other downstairs outside of Muhammad’s Temple No. 7, as she was going into one Muslim business and I was going into another.

“We stopped and exchanged the greetings. She told me of the Minister’s condition. [I would later see him and see his condition, at that time, for myself.] And then, in commenting on the Minister’s health, she told me that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad had said to her a few days earlier that he should be careful of his health, for Aaron was given a hard time by the people after Moses left. Think about this. Obviously, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad was, again, putting on Minister Louis Farrakhan’s mind that which was soon to come.

“Then, there was another time when the Honorable Elijah Muhammad told Minister Louis Farrakhan the following: ‘I am going away to study. I will be gone for approximately three years. What I have given you is just a wake-up message. Don’t change the teachings while I’m gone. If you are faithful, I will reveal the new teachings through you on my return.’

“During still another meeting, at which Sister Velora Najeeb was present, the Minister was informing the Honorable Elijah Muhammad of insights that he was gaining into what is called “The Lord’s Prayer.” Those insights included what he and others already knew of the Messenger’s position as the father over the Nation. Now, in response to the insights of the Minister into the position of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad relative to the thirty million plus Black people in America, he said, in part, ‘Yes, and you can sit over the Nation as the father when I’m gone.’

“Let us study the word ‘as.’ It is similar to the sense of the meaning of the word ‘like’ or ‘similar to’ or ‘roughly in the same fashion as.’”

I’m ending the series of points I’ve been touching beginning with Volume 24, Number 31. I know I have not been able to squeeze in all that I wanted into each article, nor will I be able to do that in the next. But I hope I’ve contributed something of value to this awesome subject.

Now, why am I reviewing the above from Minister Farrakhan’s history? We can learn a lot about the nature of prophecy from Minister Farrakhan’s life; how it’s fulfilled; the purposes it serves—both for its Author and for the lives of those for whom it’s aimed, and even for those who witness its fulfillment.

Much has happened since August 1961 and today, June 27, 2005. Think over how much we know of what has happened during the last 44 years. How much of that which has occurred was written of in the scriptures and how much of it has been fulfilled generally and specifically in the life of Minister Farrakhan, and why—from God’s perfect and all—comprehensive viewpoint?

More, next issue, on a serious prophecy for which only an increased understanding of Minister Farrakhan is the antidote, Allah willing.